Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tuesday's Update

There is little to report on.  Just doodling along, grabbing movies and TV shows off the net, updating stuff for the community association and keeping out of the showers of rain.

Another task is getting stuff dry on the clothes line.  With gorgeous blue skies suddenly changing to grey and dreary then back to gorgeous blue again keeps one on their toes!  It also keeps me off my bike.

But life goes on just the same.

We watched a movie last night called "Behind The Candelabra" which was a 'true' story about Liberace and a six year affair he had with Scott Thorsen.  It gave an interesting insight to just who Liberace was.

I continue to modify how I keep up with what is available to download from the internet.  There is an internet process called "RSS".  RSS 'feed' gives a list of all the things recently listed on a website. 

If you spot this orange icon it tells you that web page has an RSS Feed.

You need to get the internet address of the 'RSS Feed"  and copy/paste it into an RSS Feed Reader website or reader.

It has taken some mucking about but now I can go to one website page and see everything from many of the websites I am following.

It keeps me up with Movies, TV shows, eBooks and Mobile Phone Apps.

This blog has an RSS feed.  You will see this:  "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) " at the foot of this page.  You can copy the Posts (Atom) link (http://newsfromthesunshinecoast.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default) into an RSS reader and then each time you 'open' the reader there will be a list of the blog's Posts.  Click on the post you want and it opens so it can be read.

Google RSS Feeds if you want to find out more about RSS Feeds.

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