Wednesday, July 10, 2013

And Then The Showers Came

Pretty dreary in this part of the world as I type.  We awoke to overcast skies but then at around 8:15 am a substantial shower of rain went through. 

Today was a home brew "Bottling Day" which meant I was hard at work in the garage getting this bottling completed when the rain arrived.  As the photo shows it looks quite gloomy.

It will take all day to get the cleaned brewing container to dry out.  It is under the patio out the back now as I type.

We must be going away.  Yesterday I checked out my chiro, updated all my prescriptions with the doctor, mowed the lawn extra short and finally had Trish give me a haircut.

Later the guy who is going to build a shade structure in the backyard dropped in to collect a deposit.  He is having special brackets made to fix the posts to the concrete and the pavers up in the backyard.  The structure will be free standing and requires special brackets to fix it securely.

We are heading away next week on a road trip across central Queensland and finishing up at Longreach and Winton.  The car is being serviced tomorrow.  Hopefully I will catch up with my sister on the way at Isisford which is near Longreach.  She and Peter are caravanning there beside the river. We will travel via Charleville and Augathella.  On the way back we hope to spend some time in Yeppoon.  It should be a bit of fun.

Trish has built a website for the Caloundra Arts and Crafts Association (CACA) from the ground up.  You can check it out here.   She has done a great job of it. As she has extended it, it has become more sophisticated and most things work OK, but not quite as well as she hoped.  She requested that CACA have the website upgraded professionally for around $800 or have it totally reworked for a discounted $2000.

Yesterday CACA decided on the $2000 option.  Trish is delighted as it indicates that the website is now considered a crucial part of the CACA's organisation.  The new website will be done in "Wordpress" which is a very common and professional way of doing websites today.  The best thing about Wordpress is that you don't need a special computer program to update it.  It is all in the cloud so to speak and can be updated by anyone as long as they have computer/internet access.  What you do need to have however is the right passwords to be able to access the control pages online.

Over the last three nights we have watched three movies, GI Joe Retaliation, Fast and Furious 6 and last night we watched Arnold Schwarzenegger's latest movie The Last Stand. Neither of us would overly recommend the first two movies but Arnie's new one was very watchable.  It was a little more tongue in cheek with some great lighter moments.

As from tonight the Test cricket from England is on TV.

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