Wednesday, July 24, 2013

No Whale Watching

Tuesday's whale watching didn't happen!  Consistent showers later on Monday and the promise of a cold southerly wind decided us against venturing out onto the ocean Tuesday.  It was a decision well made.  The wind has again reverted to the icy southerly we had a week or two ago. It battled to 19 or so yesterday and whale watching will be put on the back burner until next week and the promise of some nicer weather.

Instead we decided on a lunch out.  We went with friends Ian and Kerrie to the Pelican Waters Tavern.  For around $14 we got garlic bread and a pretty reasonable 'pub' meal.  They had some $4 schooners going as well.

After getting up from my chair at lunch yesterday I knew something had happened to my back.  I was in a lot  of discomfort.  I took a muscle relaxant around 8 pm and another this morning at 5 am.  Right now it is reasonable but I am again booked in for the Chiro this afternoon.

I wasn't game enough to jump on my bike this morning my back was so painful.

Despite the brisk wind, there is hardly a cloud in the sky.  In our protected back yard it is almost 23 degrees sitting up the back at 10 am.  I will head back out there shortly for a 'warm up'.

I still am awaiting patiently for news from the 'builder' on the sun cover for the back yard.  It is the area in the photo which will be covered.  Hopefully with the winter sun being low in the sky, morning sunshine should still penetrate in under the cover at this time of the year.

Another Friday drinks couple are heading to the USA for a month on Friday so we are having a farewell BBQ for them this evening. That should be lots of fun.  I will need to move carefully.

The hit TV Show Breaking Bad is in its fifth and final series of 16 episodes.  They showed 8 episodes mid 2012 and the final 8 are due for TV in the next few weeks.  Last night we finished the first 8 5th season episodes.  I find it easy to see why this show scores 9.4 out of 10 on the website IMDB, it is a great series.

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