Sunday, July 14, 2013

Media Player and then another Media Player

Media Players have been taking up some of my time recently.  A Computer Club member purchased one and asked me to help her with it.  She doesn't have any internet at home so the WDTV SMP media player didn't want to setup.  During setup the media player asks to join an internet network. There are ways around this I have discovered so at least I was able to get her up and running via a lengthy phone call we had.

She brought the unit with her to Computer Club yesterday and I was able to set it up there for her.  It took a little messing around but eventually she was delighted with the outcome.

These units are currently available from Officeworks for $109.

Then she wanted to 'buy' a Kogan Sim card online.  These plans can only be accessed 'online'.  She was after the $29 unlimited calls, 6GB data plan on the Telstra network.  Because she didn't have the internet at home she had never purchased anything 'online'.  She didn't have internet banking setup nor did she have a Paypal account.  To 'verify' her account details she had to respond with details of what Kogan had withdrawn from her account.  She will need to go to the bank and find out!  When she can verify the amount, then Kogan will create her account and she will eventually get her sim card.

A Community Association member had also purchased a media player but she couldn't get it to join her home wireless network.  I eventually got it going for her but we had to do the setup on a TV set closer to her wireless modem/router.  During the original unsuccessful setup it could 'see' the network but the signal wasn't strong enough to register to join it.  Once registered, it remembers and is able to login more easily each time.

After setting it all up on the older TV in the family room, we returned the media player to the main TV in the front room.  Having already joined the network previously it did manage to join the network OK but with a 'weak' wireless signal.

After watching the footy from Melbourne yesterday we certainly enjoyed a much nicer day weather wise up here.  It is great again today, a little cool but there is plenty of sunshine.

Our solar energy inverter on the garage wall shows three red lights, this is the maximum for our system here.

I eventually went to bed last night after watching the cricket from England.  We were "none for" when I went to bed.  I turned on my radio and the first ball I listened to saw Australia lose a wicket.  I should have stayed up!

Footy on TV looks less than inspiring but it will fill in the day.

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