Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Just Like In The Photo!

The photo left sums today up.  A little breezy but plenty of sunshine.  School holidays are here so the kids are on their bikes in the front street having fun.

Being sunny it was a great day to wash the clothes for two reasons: the sun and wind will dry them quickly and the solar is working so the power to do the washing is free.

Being such a pleasant day I was able to pump up my bike tyres and get a bike ride in as well.  I reckon I needed the exercise.

The front and back doors are wide open allowing the warm breeze to filter through the house.  It is around 23 in the backyard just before lunch.

I managed to get a brew on as well this morning and it is getting ready to bubble as I type.  Bottle washing will most likely occur on Sunday (weather permitting) and it will be bottled sometime mid next week.

I am again copying movie and TV Shows files over onto another friend's hard disk drive.  It will take a little under 12 hours to copy them all over. It is just copying away in the background.

Trish is at Stitcher's today.  As President she has plenty of work to do there. Then she is catching up with a friend for coffee and some birthday gift shopping.

Brian, our neighbour, who in his working days was a house painter, is going to paint the 'red concrete area' in the back corner the same color as our driveway. 

It will fit in better with the lighter colors now in that area.  The red coloring is beginning to look a little tired anyway.

We are currently watching a TV Series called "The Village" which tells the story of life in a small English Village back during WWI.  It is a sad and harsh show which didn't receive very good ratings despite the cast.  You can see why with the tough life people led back in those days.  Two episodes one after the other is enough for us to handle as well or we become too depressed.

Click on the photos for a larger view.

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