Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Late Tuesday

It was a very overcast day with some showers on Monday.  We didn't get a lot of rain, just enough for everyone to be kept indoors. I tipped 4mls out of the rain gauge.

The main part of the day was spent mucking about on the PC and pretending to be busy.  Earlier in the day I bottled the latest brew.

Today Tuesday was a different kettle of fish.  It was dry outside so I jumped on my bike.  It says I did 7ks but it felt like a lot more.  You see I got a puncture fortunately only a k or so from home.  It isn't easy walking a distance and wheeling a bike.  It was the back wheel as well which means to repair the puncture you need to take the wheel all the way off and you have to mess around with the chain.

It took two goes to fix the puncture but all seems OK now.

Nothing 20 minutes in the shower and scrubbing brush couldn't fix getting my hands clean again.

We headed out to the Beerwah Hotel for a spot of lunch.  We had planned to head into Brisbane and then onto Sunnybank with friends.  However they had to rush to Sydney after a family member suffered a stroke. 

The Beerwah Hotel was a pleasant spot but wasn't really worth the effort.

But we did learn that our favorite restaurant here "The Spirit of Tibet" had reopened in Mooloolaba.  It has been closed for over a year or so now.  To have it back is fantastic.  We had to go to Mooloolaba as one of my hearing aids was playing up and that is where my Hearing guy is.

We drove by the new restaurant and now have the number firmly planted in my phone.  It occupies the site of a former Greek restaurant we visited for lunch a few weeks ago.  It has gone and The Spirit Of Tibet is back in its place.

We had a very quick stop off at "Doctor Dan's" for some 'medicine' and then home around 3:30.  It was a sensational day, around 23 degrees and plenty of sunshine.  It was too good an opportunity so I took just over 20 minutes and gave the front lawn a mow.

Friends from down south have sent me up a hard drive to stock with recent movies and TV Shows.  That took some time this morning but hopefully I can now get to post office tomorrow afternoon and post the drive back to him.

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