Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Gloroius Weather

It is the last day of July and a glorious 23 degrees with a sunny sky.  We have just completed the coldest part of the year for us here.  But the weather has been overcast and warmer than average this July.  There has been absolutely no hint of needing any heating at all this winter.  But we could still get a cold outbreak.

For what is usually a very dry time of the year we had rain on 14 days out of the month's 31 which is most unusual.

I managed to do my bike ride this morning and arrived home unscathed.  After yesterday's dramas this was a great change.

I posted off an updated hard drive for a mate this afternoon, I purchased a bag of pool salt and looked for a new container which sits on the back of my bike in which I carry bits and pieces.  The first two tasks were completed OK but the final task wasn't.  Bunnings didn't have the correct container size.  I will just keep my eye open for a suitable replacement.  Plastic doesn't last well in this part of the world.  It goes hard and then cracks easily.

My PC just froze earlier today.  I restarted it but it was doing all sorts of strange things.  I managed to shut it down and then pulled the plug on it for 30 seconds or so.  I plugged it all back in and it started up OK. 

Just to be on the safe side I did a "System Restore".  The PC created a system restore point this morning during a Microsoft Update at 7:30 am.  So the 'system' was restored to how it was at that time.  All seems 100% again.

We rediscovered the wonderful restaurant 'The Spirit Of Tibet' yesterday. This restaurant is a favorite of everyone who visits up here with us.  It has reopened after being closed down for a year or so.  There is no prize for guessing where we are heading out for a meal tonight!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Late Tuesday

It was a very overcast day with some showers on Monday.  We didn't get a lot of rain, just enough for everyone to be kept indoors. I tipped 4mls out of the rain gauge.

The main part of the day was spent mucking about on the PC and pretending to be busy.  Earlier in the day I bottled the latest brew.

Today Tuesday was a different kettle of fish.  It was dry outside so I jumped on my bike.  It says I did 7ks but it felt like a lot more.  You see I got a puncture fortunately only a k or so from home.  It isn't easy walking a distance and wheeling a bike.  It was the back wheel as well which means to repair the puncture you need to take the wheel all the way off and you have to mess around with the chain.

It took two goes to fix the puncture but all seems OK now.

Nothing 20 minutes in the shower and scrubbing brush couldn't fix getting my hands clean again.

We headed out to the Beerwah Hotel for a spot of lunch.  We had planned to head into Brisbane and then onto Sunnybank with friends.  However they had to rush to Sydney after a family member suffered a stroke. 

The Beerwah Hotel was a pleasant spot but wasn't really worth the effort.

But we did learn that our favorite restaurant here "The Spirit of Tibet" had reopened in Mooloolaba.  It has been closed for over a year or so now.  To have it back is fantastic.  We had to go to Mooloolaba as one of my hearing aids was playing up and that is where my Hearing guy is.

We drove by the new restaurant and now have the number firmly planted in my phone.  It occupies the site of a former Greek restaurant we visited for lunch a few weeks ago.  It has gone and The Spirit Of Tibet is back in its place.

We had a very quick stop off at "Doctor Dan's" for some 'medicine' and then home around 3:30.  It was a sensational day, around 23 degrees and plenty of sunshine.  It was too good an opportunity so I took just over 20 minutes and gave the front lawn a mow.

Friends from down south have sent me up a hard drive to stock with recent movies and TV Shows.  That took some time this morning but hopefully I can now get to post office tomorrow afternoon and post the drive back to him.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday, But Not Overly Sunny

The Arts Centre has its "Quilt Show" on this weekend.  This means Trish leaves home around 8 am and gets back home about 5 pm or so both days over this weekend.  This left me to computer club yesterday and then the footy on TV.

Today was bike riding this morning, some messing about on the computer and then footy all afternoon.  In other words, a typical winter's weekend for yours truly.

The photo shows one spot where I ride most days.  As you can see from the photo, it is a little cloudy today.  Hopefully the cloud will clear for some sunshine later.

Good mate Russ has a new mobile phone.  He isn't keen on mobiles but now believes there is a need for one especially for emergency purposes.  He sent me his phone number yesterday to which I responded with a quick 'text' message.  Don't know if he got it or not as I haven't heard.  But then you can only read messages if the phone is turned on can't you?

With so many great cheap plans around at the moment the need for a fixed phone line and phone is rapidly decreasing.  Trish's $30 per month plan (now $25 per month on a one year 'pre-paid' plan) includes all calls and a huge amount of data.

Our last Telstra Bill was $22-95, and that was the "Budget" plan.  There weren't any calls, just line rental.  My calls are all via my "Virgin" plan (on the Optus network) while Trish has great call usage with her Kogan/Telstra service.

Both Trish's and my footy teams won well so far this weekend.

I am having a little trouble getting my latest home brew ready to bottle.  It usually takes around 6 days from brewing to bottling.  Today is the 8th day and it is still working away quietly.  I think I may be bottling tomorrow though as it is slowing down.  I let the brew get a little cool during the week (24 degrees) and that appears to have slowed the brewing process.  Usually it sits more around 28 degrees if you can believe the strip thermometer attached to the container.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thursday Cancelled

I have decided to cancel Thursday owing to lack of interest!  I am lacking interest in today following a late but extremely enjoyable farewell BBQ last evening.  Not everyone was drinking only wine throughout the night but it is believed there were 10 empty wine bottles just as we were about to head home. I had a few beers and followed that up with a few quiet glasses of wine.

Please don't ask me what time we got home because I don't know.  I do know I had a screaming thirst about 4:30 this morning and hastily consumed the best part of 1 litre of water.

Needless to say today's bike ride was 'abbreviated' owing to my medical condition.  There may have also been a contentious moment had I been breathalysed during the ride.  I did 9k's instead of the usual 13.  It is quite blustery here today so the very strong wind didn't assist with any enjoyment arising from my daily bike ride.

You would think a person of my age would have more sense!

Out of the breeze it is quite pleasant outside with hardly a cloud in the sky.  A top in the low 20's is forecast for today!

My mid afternoon trip to the Chiro yesterday has proved successful with my back feeling so much better.  Either that or the headache I have at the moment has overpowered any pain arising from my back!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

No Whale Watching

Tuesday's whale watching didn't happen!  Consistent showers later on Monday and the promise of a cold southerly wind decided us against venturing out onto the ocean Tuesday.  It was a decision well made.  The wind has again reverted to the icy southerly we had a week or two ago. It battled to 19 or so yesterday and whale watching will be put on the back burner until next week and the promise of some nicer weather.

Instead we decided on a lunch out.  We went with friends Ian and Kerrie to the Pelican Waters Tavern.  For around $14 we got garlic bread and a pretty reasonable 'pub' meal.  They had some $4 schooners going as well.

After getting up from my chair at lunch yesterday I knew something had happened to my back.  I was in a lot  of discomfort.  I took a muscle relaxant around 8 pm and another this morning at 5 am.  Right now it is reasonable but I am again booked in for the Chiro this afternoon.

I wasn't game enough to jump on my bike this morning my back was so painful.

Despite the brisk wind, there is hardly a cloud in the sky.  In our protected back yard it is almost 23 degrees sitting up the back at 10 am.  I will head back out there shortly for a 'warm up'.

I still am awaiting patiently for news from the 'builder' on the sun cover for the back yard.  It is the area in the photo which will be covered.  Hopefully with the winter sun being low in the sky, morning sunshine should still penetrate in under the cover at this time of the year.

Another Friday drinks couple are heading to the USA for a month on Friday so we are having a farewell BBQ for them this evening. That should be lots of fun.  I will need to move carefully.

The hit TV Show Breaking Bad is in its fifth and final series of 16 episodes.  They showed 8 episodes mid 2012 and the final 8 are due for TV in the next few weeks.  Last night we finished the first 8 5th season episodes.  I find it easy to see why this show scores 9.4 out of 10 on the website IMDB, it is a great series.

Monday, July 22, 2013

A Cloudy Monday

Today we have a lot of high cloud about with some breaks for sunshine.  I have managed to get on my bike the last 2 days and do my 12+ k's each time.

Yesterday's bike ride was a little uncomfortable as the photo shows.  The ground here around the estate is saturated and despite only a few mls early on Saturday, the path was still like this Sunday morning.  Today that water had all but disappeared.

Click on both photos for a larger view.

It wasn't the best sport on TV for me this weekend.  Despite being one of the 'in form' teams and having a handy lead going into the last quarter my footy team was defeated albeit by 2 points.  On top of that we had the cricket from England.  The form of our batsmen in this recent Test match can be best described as diabolical.

Needless to say Trish is back at the Arts Centre Association this morning.  They have just bought a new photocopier and today lessons on its correct operation are being given to other 'leaders'.

We have had almost 2000mls of rain so far and the average here is around 1600mls.  So again, a very wet year.

But the various wattle trees on our estate are beginning to bloom. That is a sign the worst of winter is just about over.

It also means we are heading into Magpie Swooping season!  I will need to ferret out my extra long 'cable ties' and attach them to the bike helmet.  This tends to keep the attackers at bay.

At this stage we are planning on heading out on "Whale 1" from Mooloolaba tomorrow to see if we do a little 'whale spotting'.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Will The bike Get A Run Today?

I haven't managed a bike ride all week.  Rainfall figures for the last few days have been no higher than 4mls but we have had showers each and every morning since Monday.  It is only a few mls each time but more than enough to wet things up again, get the seepage moving back across pathways and just making it totally unsuitable for bike riding.

Not a lot to update you on.  A mate here reckons he threw out his WDTV SMP remote control so I lent him one of mine.  He has ordered a 'replacement' from WD but it has to come from Singapore.  So I took a Logitech Harmony Universal remote I had around to him as well and set it up for him while he awaits for the replacement to arrive.

Neither his wife nor daughter are overly tech savvy so I am guessing the universal remote won't be suitable.  I did say to hide the current remotes so they 'had' to learn the new one but I don't reckon he did that.

Therefore out of habit they would reach for an older remote, turn the TV on then try and use the universal remote but of course it won't work.  You have to turn the TV on with the remote so it "knows" that the TV is on and that it needs to use the TV allocated buttons.

Clear as mud?

And we have had our Community Association newsletter printed as well so I have been delivering about 140 of them to local homes.  At least that got me out of the house and into some exercise.

Sport has again dominated TV the last few days.  We had Rugby League's "State of Origin" on Wednesday and the second Test from England was on again last night.  There is heaps of AFL footy on over the weekend.

No drinks this afternoon.  One couple is into Brisbane for a show this evening, Tina Arena and Co. singing Bee Gees songs.  As good as she is, Tina Arena is a "belter' and seems to me to yell songs rather than sing them.  At $70 a ticket we declined the offer to go with them.  On top of that wet and windy weather is expected to develop over the day and into tomorrow.  Brisbane is around 100k's away and I wouldn't fancy driving home in wet and windy weather late at night.

The dish washer has just finished.  It now runs during the day when the solar energy is working.  Despite the showers earlier, right now there is a bright blue sky and all I need is for the roads and pathways to dry!

And finally, with my bike riding delayed this morning by poor weather, I managed to get a brew on.  As usual that means bottle washing possibly Tuesday and a bottling sometime later next week.  My extra cleaning routine appears to have overcome my home brew problems.  All brews now seem quite palatable!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tuesday's Update

There is little to report on.  Just doodling along, grabbing movies and TV shows off the net, updating stuff for the community association and keeping out of the showers of rain.

Another task is getting stuff dry on the clothes line.  With gorgeous blue skies suddenly changing to grey and dreary then back to gorgeous blue again keeps one on their toes!  It also keeps me off my bike.

But life goes on just the same.

We watched a movie last night called "Behind The Candelabra" which was a 'true' story about Liberace and a six year affair he had with Scott Thorsen.  It gave an interesting insight to just who Liberace was.

I continue to modify how I keep up with what is available to download from the internet.  There is an internet process called "RSS".  RSS 'feed' gives a list of all the things recently listed on a website. 

If you spot this orange icon it tells you that web page has an RSS Feed.

You need to get the internet address of the 'RSS Feed"  and copy/paste it into an RSS Feed Reader website or reader.

It has taken some mucking about but now I can go to one website page and see everything from many of the websites I am following.

It keeps me up with Movies, TV shows, eBooks and Mobile Phone Apps.

This blog has an RSS feed.  You will see this:  "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) " at the foot of this page.  You can copy the Posts (Atom) link ( into an RSS reader and then each time you 'open' the reader there will be a list of the blog's Posts.  Click on the post you want and it opens so it can be read.

Google RSS Feeds if you want to find out more about RSS Feeds.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Media Player and then another Media Player

Media Players have been taking up some of my time recently.  A Computer Club member purchased one and asked me to help her with it.  She doesn't have any internet at home so the WDTV SMP media player didn't want to setup.  During setup the media player asks to join an internet network. There are ways around this I have discovered so at least I was able to get her up and running via a lengthy phone call we had.

She brought the unit with her to Computer Club yesterday and I was able to set it up there for her.  It took a little messing around but eventually she was delighted with the outcome.

These units are currently available from Officeworks for $109.

Then she wanted to 'buy' a Kogan Sim card online.  These plans can only be accessed 'online'.  She was after the $29 unlimited calls, 6GB data plan on the Telstra network.  Because she didn't have the internet at home she had never purchased anything 'online'.  She didn't have internet banking setup nor did she have a Paypal account.  To 'verify' her account details she had to respond with details of what Kogan had withdrawn from her account.  She will need to go to the bank and find out!  When she can verify the amount, then Kogan will create her account and she will eventually get her sim card.

A Community Association member had also purchased a media player but she couldn't get it to join her home wireless network.  I eventually got it going for her but we had to do the setup on a TV set closer to her wireless modem/router.  During the original unsuccessful setup it could 'see' the network but the signal wasn't strong enough to register to join it.  Once registered, it remembers and is able to login more easily each time.

After setting it all up on the older TV in the family room, we returned the media player to the main TV in the front room.  Having already joined the network previously it did manage to join the network OK but with a 'weak' wireless signal.

After watching the footy from Melbourne yesterday we certainly enjoyed a much nicer day weather wise up here.  It is great again today, a little cool but there is plenty of sunshine.

Our solar energy inverter on the garage wall shows three red lights, this is the maximum for our system here.

I eventually went to bed last night after watching the cricket from England.  We were "none for" when I went to bed.  I turned on my radio and the first ball I listened to saw Australia lose a wicket.  I should have stayed up!

Footy on TV looks less than inspiring but it will fill in the day.

Friday, July 12, 2013

A Little Like Melbourne

As they say about Melbourne, if you don't like the current weather there, just wait a few minutes and it will change.

I set off on my bike ride about 9 am this morning in brilliant sunshine under gorgeous blue skies.  A very heavy shower of rain fell around 5 minutes after I had completed my 13.5k bike ride and the sky was overcast and gray.

Right now the sun is out again!

Our decision not to go away next week has thrown us into some sort of confusion.  I have already mowed lawns, had the car serviced, had a haircut, been to the doctor to have my prescriptions updated and generally got the place ready for us being away for a couple of weeks.  And now we aren't going!  All the 'jobs' around the place have been done and there isn't anything to do!

Drinks are at our place today but only one couple, Ian and Kerrie, are coming over.  Ian has just gone onto the Kogan $29 mobile phone plan.  He is delighted with it.

The changeover went very smoothly for him.  He bought a less expensive Huawei Y300 phone locked into the Telstra network.  It cost $129 and he is delighted with it and the plan. As Kogan Mobile uses the Telstra network the phone works perfectly.

The phone gets excellent reviews on some of the forums on the internet for good basic usage.  It won't have some of the 'bells and whistles' of the top end phones but then only it costs 1/5 the price!

Ian had to visit several stores to find this model as each time he went to buy one he was told the store was sold out.  This is another good sign about this model phone.

My phone contract runs out early October.  My last payment is due in September and then I have a month's use of it.  I am then planning on swapping over to the Kogan Mobile plan as well.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Travel Plans On Hold

We awoke to a very cool morning and some showers lingering from a wet Wednesday.  There were 11 mls in the gauge from consistent showers.  I was having the car serviced.  Last night I stacked my bike into the back of the car so I could get home after dropping it off for the service at 7 am this morning.  The recent showers made for an extremely inclement couple of kilometres home.

However by 9 am the skies had cleared to another lovely fine but cool day.

I had been advised by some people to check accommodation before we set off for the west of the state on our 'road trip' early next week.  Trish preferred just going and staying where ever we found ourselves.  I like to be a little more organised than this so I spent some time online yesterday getting a feel for accommodation choices for our first night's stay.

Yesterday I decided to check on Miles (around 400k's away) and Roma (around 500k's away).  In Miles I got two websites telling me accommodation was not available.  I checked Roma and again found one motel which only had a room with 2 single beds.  Another had a double room at $145 for the Monday night. I am sure with a bit more looking I could have found something reasonable.

I discussed this with Trish and got a response did I really want to go away?  To cut a long story short we decided spending around $3000 for fuel, accommodation and day to day expenses was probably not what we wanted to do right now.  So the travel plans are on hold.  Since deciding not to go away I have been back to the builder and told him we were now clear for the backyard shelter.  That is likely to happen sooner rather than later.

We thought instead we might treat ourselves out to some of the nicer eateries around town instead of the travel.  Whale watching out of Mooloolaba was another thought we reckon we would try.

Plenty of sport around around on TV with the cricket from England on.  I managed till after 11pm last night and I hope to do something similar tonight.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

And Then The Showers Came

Pretty dreary in this part of the world as I type.  We awoke to overcast skies but then at around 8:15 am a substantial shower of rain went through. 

Today was a home brew "Bottling Day" which meant I was hard at work in the garage getting this bottling completed when the rain arrived.  As the photo shows it looks quite gloomy.

It will take all day to get the cleaned brewing container to dry out.  It is under the patio out the back now as I type.

We must be going away.  Yesterday I checked out my chiro, updated all my prescriptions with the doctor, mowed the lawn extra short and finally had Trish give me a haircut.

Later the guy who is going to build a shade structure in the backyard dropped in to collect a deposit.  He is having special brackets made to fix the posts to the concrete and the pavers up in the backyard.  The structure will be free standing and requires special brackets to fix it securely.

We are heading away next week on a road trip across central Queensland and finishing up at Longreach and Winton.  The car is being serviced tomorrow.  Hopefully I will catch up with my sister on the way at Isisford which is near Longreach.  She and Peter are caravanning there beside the river. We will travel via Charleville and Augathella.  On the way back we hope to spend some time in Yeppoon.  It should be a bit of fun.

Trish has built a website for the Caloundra Arts and Crafts Association (CACA) from the ground up.  You can check it out here.   She has done a great job of it. As she has extended it, it has become more sophisticated and most things work OK, but not quite as well as she hoped.  She requested that CACA have the website upgraded professionally for around $800 or have it totally reworked for a discounted $2000.

Yesterday CACA decided on the $2000 option.  Trish is delighted as it indicates that the website is now considered a crucial part of the CACA's organisation.  The new website will be done in "Wordpress" which is a very common and professional way of doing websites today.  The best thing about Wordpress is that you don't need a special computer program to update it.  It is all in the cloud so to speak and can be updated by anyone as long as they have computer/internet access.  What you do need to have however is the right passwords to be able to access the control pages online.

Over the last three nights we have watched three movies, GI Joe Retaliation, Fast and Furious 6 and last night we watched Arnold Schwarzenegger's latest movie The Last Stand. Neither of us would overly recommend the first two movies but Arnie's new one was very watchable.  It was a little more tongue in cheek with some great lighter moments.

As from tonight the Test cricket from England is on TV.

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Another "Simpsons" Day

There are lots of fluffy white clouds again today.  Just on 10 am it is 23+ in the back corner of the yard.  The forecast says to expect around 22.  I have just returned from a 13k bike ride.  Trish has the vacuum out and is giving the car interior a good clean.  The car windows will be done as well.

I have been busy today as well having washed the bottles for my bottling coming up mid next week.  I continue to refine the process.  Nowadays I have a bucket of water setup and give each bottle a brush clean and rinse as I finish drinking it.

On bottle washing day they get a warm soapy water severe rinse, another cool water rinse and finally a warm water rinse.  Then I again rinse them quickly with a sanitizer.  At this time of year it takes almost all day to get them dry.

Right now the 30+ bottles are drying in the sunshine.  It took around 45 minutes to wash them this morning.

My presentation on wireless networking and using android devices went very well at Computer Club yesterday.  I had a full class of around 25 people.  The guy who followed me had about 6.  People were amazed at what a wireless network can add to what you devices at home can do. One guy wants me to travel about 80k's to his place to set things up for him.  He said he would pay me to do it.

Around midday yesterday about 60 of us assembled at the local Tavern for a surprise 60th birthday for one of our friends here.  It was delightful.  The meals and drinks were not cheap but we had a great time.  My reef and beef pizza meant I didn't need any tea.

The footy last night where my team Geelong in second place played Trish's team Hawthorn who are first was amazing.  Geelong have won the last 11 matches against Hawthorn.  Hawthorn have won 12 matches straight so far this season.  That sequence has now been broken and Geelong have now defeated Hawthorn the last 12 times.

More footy on TV later today while I wait patiently for the bottles to dry.

Friday, July 05, 2013

Backyard New Look

Brian, who recently painted our driveway for us, popped over yesterday and did the back 'red corner' as well.  It is now a much different color to what it was.  Trish is till to decide if she wants the stencilled bits painted an alternative color.

It looks a lot neater now though.

One of the other BeCA committee members (and good friend/drinking partner) and I ventured into Caloundra to sort out the Community Association's banking setup.  Ian is taking over and has done this sort of role previously but on a much larger scale when he was working.  We swapped over the signatories and set up the account for online banking.  It should all be a lot easier and quicker now.

We were both heading to Maroochydore later in the day so we decided to grab some lunch together at Headland Golf Club again.  The ladies did not require much convincing so we got together and enjoyed a lovely lunch together.

Afterwards they headed off to do their business and we to do ours.  It was very pleasant.

It is overcast but very still and warmish today.  The photo left was taken on my 13k bike ride this morning.

Click on either photo for a larger view.

We have drinks this afternoon and I have computer club tomorrow where I am presenting a session on wireless networking and transferring files from an android device to anywhere else on the network.  A wireless home network makes it very easy to transfer photos etc from the phone (or tablet) to a computer or even to move movie files from your computer to the phone.

I have prepared a website for the presentation.  You can check it out here:

It looks impressive but actually is very, very easy to do if you have a GMail account.  GMail/Google give you free website space and tools with your GMail account.  I typed the information out in Word and then I created the webspace and copy/pasted the information in.  I found a diagram on the internet, added a couple of bits and uploaded it.

The "Summary" page is extremely easy to do with a website called "Scribd".  It too is a free service.  I saved the Word document as a PDF and then uploaded it to Scribd.  Scribd gave me code to "embed" the uploaded sheet which I copy/pasted into the website.  Altogether it took me around 2 hours to do.  It was a little bit of have a go and see if it works.  Overall it was very straightforward.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Just Like In The Photo!

The photo left sums today up.  A little breezy but plenty of sunshine.  School holidays are here so the kids are on their bikes in the front street having fun.

Being sunny it was a great day to wash the clothes for two reasons: the sun and wind will dry them quickly and the solar is working so the power to do the washing is free.

Being such a pleasant day I was able to pump up my bike tyres and get a bike ride in as well.  I reckon I needed the exercise.

The front and back doors are wide open allowing the warm breeze to filter through the house.  It is around 23 in the backyard just before lunch.

I managed to get a brew on as well this morning and it is getting ready to bubble as I type.  Bottle washing will most likely occur on Sunday (weather permitting) and it will be bottled sometime mid next week.

I am again copying movie and TV Shows files over onto another friend's hard disk drive.  It will take a little under 12 hours to copy them all over. It is just copying away in the background.

Trish is at Stitcher's today.  As President she has plenty of work to do there. Then she is catching up with a friend for coffee and some birthday gift shopping.

Brian, our neighbour, who in his working days was a house painter, is going to paint the 'red concrete area' in the back corner the same color as our driveway. 

It will fit in better with the lighter colors now in that area.  The red coloring is beginning to look a little tired anyway.

We are currently watching a TV Series called "The Village" which tells the story of life in a small English Village back during WWI.  It is a sad and harsh show which didn't receive very good ratings despite the cast.  You can see why with the tough life people led back in those days.  Two episodes one after the other is enough for us to handle as well or we become too depressed.

Click on the photos for a larger view.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

It's Back!

The sun has at last come back to grace our skies.  There is washing flapping on the line ... at last!  I describe the sky as "The Simpsons" kind of sky, blue but with a lot of puffy white clouds.  And it is much warmer outside with the temp back into the low 20's.

Limited news again around us her with me attending a Community Association Committee Meeting last night and the need to get all the happenings arising from the meeting online for everyone to see.  That is all done and I continue to do 'the usual'.

During yesterday's inclement weather we watched the concluding episodes of the 5 part TV Series "Injustice".  It was a UK murder come court room drama series which we both enjoyed very much.

Had a bit of a battle to get my PayTV discount again.  We tell them we want to disconnect as it is too expensive.  So to keep us they agree to knock $20 off the bill for the next three months.  After three months I have to go back and try my luck again.

It took a little persuading to get the discount this time.

Even nicer weather back for tomorrow.  Trish heads off to Stitchers tomorrow and I have a brew to get on.

Monday, July 01, 2013

Bureau Right Again

The weather bureau said we may get a little sunshine this morning but then to expect rain all afternoon and overnight.  It looks they were right!

When I looked at the weather app on my phone this morning it said the temperature was 17.6 but that it felt like 12.7!  I reckon that was very close to being correct as well.

Brisbane is expecting 16 degrees today!  It never gets that cold in this part of the world!

Shame it is school holidays isn't it?

I had this person at Computer Club who was always asking me if I had brought any movies with me each Saturday morning.  I suggested she bring along her external hard drive and I would load it up for her with movies etc.

She did this on Saturday and it took me almost a full day to copy 95% of my stuff over for her.

That should keep her happy!

We have been busy watching the 5 part TV Series "Injustice".  It is murder story as well as a courtroom drama.  I suggest we will most likely see the end of the series this afternoon the way the weather is.