Friday, August 30, 2013

End Of The Week

There is not a drop of rain in sight.  After what has been a wet first half to 2013 we haven't spotted one drop of rain since July 30th, a little over 4 weeks.  It hasn't taken long for things to dry out and the front lawn definitely is after a drink of rain water.  I have had to top the pool up from the tap on two occasions.

But no one in this part of the world is complaining.  Tops in the high 20's most days but cooling off quickly late in the afternoon.  The wind is mainly from the west so the humidity isn't high.

Both of our mobile phones continue to work fine but I reckon we will try swapping over to a new carrier next week just prior to our trip to Melbourne.

Trish continues busy with the Arts Centre Association and I need to keep the Community Association website going.  Regular updates however trivial are required to keep people wanting to return for any new snippet of information.

The bottles for my brew are all washed and I am just waiting for the initial fermentation process to conclude.  I suggest I will be bottling on Sunday.

We received a quote on a blind at the pool filter end of the new shade area.  This blind will be an awning type blind similar to the type we had when back in Melbourne.  This will make height adjustment very easy and can be done with one hand. 

We placed the order yesterday afternoon so it will be ready to install as soon as we arrive back from Melbourne.

Click on the photo for a larger view.

Though Ian and Kerrie return from O/S today they won't be around for drinks later on.  Other friends John and Margaret remain overseas too and they are due home on Thursday, the day we travel to Melbourne.  So we will have to wait until mid September for our first real drinks session for some time.

With glorious dry weather I have been bike riding everyday.  It is so pleasant doing the k's and having a chat to other locals on the way around.  The magpies haven't started on me yet despite getting close to their nesting season.

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