Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Beautiful One Day, Perfect The Next

The heading for this blog post has been so true the last two days.  Not a cloud in the sky and around the mid 20's both days.  Just gorgeous weather for us here.  The arms of the chairs sitting in the sun burn a little as you sit down.  The sun is bright and warm.

But the pool water temperature remains around 15 degrees!

Yesterday we were invited around to the home of the President of Trish's Arts Centre Association.  They were a delightful older couple.  We were made to feel very welcome.

He was an electrician and involved in the whole electrical business.  A one time president of the local Chamber of Commerce and long time and highly respected Caloundra businessman.  Their home is a triple level Queenslander with the complete lower level set aside for his model railway.  It is all computerized and he can sit there with a 'remote control' and set trains heading off everywhere.  His current exercise is to teach himself how to fly a Boeing 737.

It was a bit of fun which we both enjoyed.  The coffee and muffin were enjoyable.

One of my hearing aids had been playing up so I put it in for repair. I had a call saying it was now ready to be collected and we had to travel to Mooloolaba to collect it.  Wow, it works great now.

From there we headed to the Maroochydore Surf Club for lunch.  The meal was OK but the view was spectacular!  Sorry about the dirty window, mostly salt I would guess from the sea.

Last night was the Annual General Meeting of the Community Association.  The attendance was very disappointing so we may need to try something to get more people along.  An early thought is to conduct the meeting later in year, possibly November and have finger food and drinks supplied.  The warmer weather may encourage more people to become involved.

Another 13k's on my bike this morning.  Of course that was after adding a lengthy post to the BeCA Website on last night's AGM.  But it was all a bit of fun!

I mentioned last week I had purchased a new phone from China.  They promised quick delivery so I was a little worried when I saw my order was still classed as "Being Prepared" on Friday.  Even on Monday it was the same status.  So I jumped online and contacted them.

One source said they were out of stock, another said they had a problem but it would be delivered when available as "High Priority".  Three hours later it was upgraded to "Parcel sent" and every hour or so I get an email from DHL saying where it is in the delivery process.  The last email said it had been cleared by Chinese Customs ready for delivery to "Regional Queensland".  Hopefully it should arrive in a couple of days.

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