Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Shelter/Patio Cover Update

The builder arrived around 7:30 am this morning with the news the iron for the roof of the new shelter wasn't available for him to collect.  He wasn't pleased.  Hopefully it will be available later this morning.

The rafters are going on now.  The whole thing is high off the ground which will allow plenty of circulation underneath on those very hot days.

Click on the photo for a larger view.

Another great day and I may return and add some more info as the day goes on.

UPDATE: It is now just before lunch and the roofing material still hasn't arrived.  Hopefully tomorrow will see the roof go on.  In the meantime all other stuff now completed.  Slats have gone on and bracing for the roof. The builder has headed home for the day.

I wanted the structure to be free standing and to be held to the area by brackets rather than digging holes, concreting etc through the pavers/concrete.  The builder sought advice on brackets and was told the ones he had especially made should be fine.

However with all the weight being on the roof we decided for a little extra support and added a couple of braces to the fence.  These have been 'screwed' and can be removed easily. It has added to the stability of the shelter.

The beautiful clear skies from this morning have clouded over a little.  The wind is still from the north so it isn't cold.

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