Thursday, December 30, 2010

Harvey Norman Factory Outlet

I had spoken with Arj (Kate's husband) about some of the specials I had spotted at the Harvey Norman Factory Outlet. Arj was in the market for a new DVD/Bluray player. So we headed to the outlet shop early today. Arj bought a Pioneer for $160 while the ticketed price was $455. They walked away with about $250 worth of stuff. They bought a bluray player, a DVD player which also plays downloaded movie .avi files ($40), some hdmi cables and a rechargeable shaver (a gift).

Upon arrival back home we setup the Bluray player in the lounge and the DVD on the smaller TV in the family room. Ideally the Bluray Player needed a $10 optical audio lead which Arj grabbed later in the day. By the time it was all setup everything was working perfectly. Arj now gets DTS sound through the new optical lead via his Bluray player and everything is perfect.

The cheap DVD player plays most movies I have downloaded beautifully.

Later in the day we rang Eddie and Patsy re our plans to go Vietnamese for tea. Despite short warning we all met up and had a wonderful feast at about $15 per head!

The plan now is to drive to Yass tomorrow (Fri) where we will stay overnight. Then on Saturday we will head in to Canberra and catch up with an elderly aunt. Late morning we will head off to Newcastle where we plan to spend a couple of nights with Janet and Mick (alcohol will be involved) before heading for home Monday.

We should arrive back home later on Monday, possibly even after dark.

I am not sure what internet access we will have so this may be my last post for a couple of days!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

At Least It Is Warmer

At least I got to two days of the cricket! The second day was sure warmer but I went dressed in my winter woolies! Australia was 'belted' in the game and well defeated. I watched the last bit of the game on TV this morning.

After lunch Trish and I ventured into Dandenong for a look around the shopping centre there. The Char Kway Teow we had for lunch was great. Cosmopolitan now has an even greater meaning for me. I reckon Europeans were a minority group at this place. But we enjoyed our look around.

Earlier a friend had alerted me to a shop called Harvey Norman Clearance Outlet. Harvey Norman is a huge electrical and furniture discounter here in Australia. This shop was their 'clearance centre'. I bought a couple of HDMI leads which were originally priced at a total of about $70. I bought the two leads for a total of $5. They had amplifiers at almost half price! It is a shame I didn't need any equipment!

Later it was tea at Malaysia Garden with Kate, Arj and the kids. It was an exceptional family get together.

Tomorrow is our last night in Melbourne prior to driving home on Friday. We expect to get to Yass in NSW late Friday, visit Canberra early Saturday before heading to to Newcastle. We will stay there for two nights and eventually spend Monday driving back home getting home Monday evening.

Monday, December 27, 2010

17 Degrees At The MCG Today!

Boy but was it cold! I was up and about reasonably early today to head into the MCG and see Day 2 of the test match against England. Yesterday's play had been disastrous so there wasn't much incentive to head in. It looked a little overcast so i decided to wear a thick shirt and my new coat I brought down here to wear to the footy in winter! I was glad I did because the temperature around lunchtime was a mere 12 degrees and this is meant to be summer. I was on the train and heading home by 4pm just to get warm again. During a quick sunny break the temp 'jumped' to 17 for a few minutes!

Boxing Day saw us head down to Drouin to Barry and Rainy's for the annual Boxing Day BBQ. The morning was nice enough but by the afternoon it was overcast, showery and down to 15 degrees. However it was a great day catching up with everyone again. But once more there was too much to drink and heaps to eat! The photo shows some of the 'mob' seated enjoying a beer and a chat!

I am heading back to the MCG again tomorrow but this will be my last day. Already Australia appears to be on the ropes and ready to capitulate. It has been a long time since we were beaten so comprehensively! And the weather bureau is suggesting it will be a pleasant 25 degrees and I can handle that!

We had a lovely curry dish tonight. The photo below shows Charli helping her mum get our evening meal ready!
Still plenty of rain back home! Looks like another inch and a half today on top of heaps we have endured during the last week or so. It seems to be about an inch of rain a day at the moment back there.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

'Twas The Night Before Christmas!

On Thursday we managed to get our youngest daughter Kim to Tullamarine Airport quite comfortably in plenty of time for her flight and a 6 week holiday to India. She was flying in to Mumbai and then had a couple of 'wait line' bookings on trains to Goa. We heard from her yesterday saying she had not been able to get a seat on the train and was now waiting at Mumbai Airport for her flight to Goa.

Our half-price Chinese meal with Chris Wendy & family filled us up but the food quality wasn't a patch on the Vietnamese food we enjoyed a night or two before. But it was great to catch up with Chris, Wendy and our two grand children Andrew and Emily just before Christmas. Chris has recently bought a new TV which has an inbuilt Media Player. After I showed him how well it worked with some of the movies I had, he quickly got 120 movies or so off me onto a hard drive he had sitting there.

Grandson Andrew has discovered Usenet and was delighted with the new Wii computer game he had been able to download. I helped him extract the game and then burn it to disk. It works perfectly for him and he was very pleased with himself. This photo above left shows one of our grand daughters Emily with Trish.

Friday afternoon saw us across the see my brother Geoff for the afternoon. Again about 20 movies crossed over and I introduced him to "Internet Radio". The day was lots of fun and it was great to catch up again. On the way home we stopped off in Springvale for another Vietnamese meal. We had Hokkien Fried Rice with egg and seafood sauce as well as Satay Chicken. We had problems finishing it all!

After we arrived back at Kate's we watched the annual "Carols" on TV before the spanners and screwdrivers came out to put things together ready for Christmas Day.

Christmas Day began early with the patter of little feet and suppressed squeals of glee. The looks on Charli and James' faces made the long drive down from Caloundra all the more worth while. It wasn't long till wrapping paper littered the floor and the two bikes were being expertly ridden around the house.

For Christmas Lunch this year we are again joining Arj's family. It is lunch this year instead of the evening meal which is quite a change. There will be lovely Sri Lankan curries to enjoy, gift giving and even a little carol singing in the true Sri Lankan Christian tradition.

Tomorrow Boxing Day will see us head to Drouin for a BBQ and the day with friends Barry and Rainy, John and Sue and Wayne and Launa. It promises to be a BIG day. On Monday I am off to the 4th Test at the Melbourne Cricket Ground.

Merry Christmas to all!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Time For An Update

Things have been busy for us. We have a big Christmas gathering for 8 people each year. The eight make up our good friends from when we lived here in Melbourne. Couples take it in turn to host and prepare the main meal while others provide nibbles or sweets etc. As we don't live here it is impossible (or nearly) for us to take a turn at cooking the main meal. With some help Trish offered to cook the main meal this year. We borrowed June & Keith's kitchen Monday afternoon and Trish prepared an Indian meal which did go down very well. While Trish cooked I re organised and updated Keith's movies on his external hard disk drive, hopefully making it easier for him.

After that it was into Keith's garage to sort out how to tune his TV in his caravan. He now knows it does work and hopefully the notes I have left them will help them out.

The meal was great, the company excellent and the drink over enjoyed! An excellent night was enjoyed by all. We had Kris Kringle and Trish received an ornamental tree and I got another JB HI FI voucher. I now have $100 to spend there!

Tuesday evening we caught up with Patsy and Eddie at our Springvale favorite restaurant. To describe the meal as sensational is an understatement. That we could eat so well and so cheaply is just amazing!

Wednesday morning Kate, Arj and family went swimming at the local heated pool. Trish and I got into some window cleaning! Wow, what an improvement. The grand kids enjoyed their swim and a sit down for us was welcome at the end of the work.

During the afternoon I caught up with good friends Gordon and Anne for a few drinks and catch up on the gossip from my teaching days!

We did some baby sitting that night and watched a very good movie called "Handsome Harry". Earlier in the week we watched "Black Swan" which left us a little bewildered. She started off mad, became madder as the movie progressed and was even madder at the end. The leading actress is expected to be nominated for an Academy Award.

Today after a morning tea with Pat and Graeme we are taking Kim to the Airport for her trip to India for 6 weeks. From the airport we will see Chris, Wendy and the kids and enjoy a half price meal at a local Chinese restaurant. The dim sims are exceptional and all half price!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Back From Family Christmas

The family congregated at Ocean Grove for our Christmas festivities. It was wonderful to have everybody together, grand children and all. We had plenty to eat and drink. There was backyard cricket for all to join in and heaps of new presents to enjoy.

It was especially great for the kids and they had a ball. It was also a sort of farewell for our youngest daughter who is heading to India for 6 weeks or so.

The house we 'rented' didn't live up to everyone's expectations and there were some 'basic' sleeping conditions. Our daughter Kate knows of another house with 4 double beds etc and this one would have suited us better.

We are now back at Berwick and ready for a quiet night. Trish and I slipped out to our favorite Malaysian eatery called Malaysia Garden tonight. The Char Kway Teow they serve there is to die for!

Tomorrow evening is another night out with friends for yet another Christmas Dinner together. But this is the reason we come down to Melbourne, to eat, drink, be merry and catch up with family and friends.

I think it is summer here in Victoria. It is about 10 degrees outside right now and we have had some storms to contend with. I didn't think it could be this cold in summer!

The rain continues to fall at home too it seems. 3 inches of rain a couple of days ago and now another inch and a half today!

Friday, December 17, 2010

From Melbourne

Sorry about the blandness of some of the stuff on the blog! (See previous comment!)

Anyway we have arrived safely in Melbourne after a 1840k trip. It took about 20 hours driving, of which the last 90 minutes or so was in peak hour stop start Melbourne traffic! We struck (literally) several swarms of locusts on the trip down through southern New South Wales. I cleaned the car this morning and found dead bugs everywhere, across the front of the car, in the radiator core, in the windscreen wipers, in every conceivable nook and cranny in the engine bay, just everywhere! They took some steady brushing to get rid of some of them!

Interesting to encounter the cooler weather down here with a minimum temperature of around 12 degrees, much cooler than the 21 or 22 we were getting back home. It appears thunderstorms struck at home yesterday as a nearby weather station recorded 72 mls overnight!

Right now we are again packing ready to head to Ocean Grove where we have hired a house for two nights. Trish and I will take the kids down in Kate's Nissan X-Trail while Kate and Arj will follow after Arj finishes work later today in our (nice and clean) car!

It should be great fun with all the family being there together to celebrate Christmas!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ready To Head Off Tomorrow

We are about to leave for our annual Christmas trip to Melbourne. We plan to drive down there leaving here about 5 am Wednesday morning. Slowly clothes and things have been building up on the double bed in the spare bedroom. This is where we put our clothes and things prior to packing them into bags.

I am aiming to take some clothes with me which will stay down there. I have jeans and warm shirts I never wear here but take up valuable space in my suitcase each time I fly south to Melbourne. The clothes will 'live' in a bag which we will keep in the boot of the car down there so it doesn't take up any of Kate's cupboard space.

So the pool has had all its chemicals updated, the lawn has been mowed, the backyard will be tidied up and things prepared for when we are away. We have already booked a motel room in Gilgandra which is about half way to Melbourne. We should arrive at Kate's later in the afternoon on Thursday.

Our family has rented a house at Ocean Grove which is big enough to house all of us for the weekend. Trish and I will drive down about lunch time Friday and probably take James and Charli with us. The others will arrive after work on the Friday evening. We will have our Christmas Lunch and present giving there on Saturday before heading home Sunday. It should be fun!

Kim flies to India for 6 weeks mid next week so this will be our only time to be with her before she flies out.

It is another warm steamy day today with temps around 30 degrees. The pool water temp is close to that too. Our new Supermarket opened here on the estate today and it was awash with bargain hunters. It will be great for this area.

My next Blog entry will most likely come from Melbourne

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Rain Again

Saturday proved to be the warmest day we have had this year with the low 30's being registered in the backyard. The pool was up to 29 degrees in the afternoon. Saturday was also the last day of Computer Club and they had a "Morning Tea" to finish the year off. Plenty of party food so it was a pleasant way to finish the year.

As most of you know we are in to watching stuff I have downloaded from the 'net'. I use a WD TV HD Media Player to connect a hard disk drive to the TV and works pretty well. I have had it for a few years now and I recently discovered they no longer provide 'updates' for my model. The price of the better and latest model (WD TV Live) has dropped substantially so I grabbed one the other day. It was about 40% off the price they were 6 months ago!

This model is being supported so there are firmware updates to keep up with the latest movie formats. However the biggest improvement I have noticed is its ability to play DTS music (Digital Theatre Sound). I can now get great sound from DTS music CD's I have downloaded. This model also allows me to access other computers and the internet via my home wireless network. I will need to buy a "USB Wireless Dongle" (see left) to do that though.

We farewelled our guest for the week (Rainy) late Saturday afternoon. Her plane was held up on the tarmac for an hour as heavy rain and thunderstorms hit the Sunshine Coast later in the afternoon. The rain gauge had another 80mls in it this morning and it has been raining steadily though not heavily all day.

I had a call from people yesterday needing computer help urgently. They had inadvertently downloaded a program (Security Shield) that told them computer was badly infected with viruses and trojans and they needed to register the program to get rid of them. It took a bit of doing and two visits but eventually I was able to get rid of it for them. Malwarebytes and System Restore did the trick.

A quiet day today watching One Day Cricket on TV.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

It Is Time To Go

As many of you know we have been entertaining one of our very good friends "Rainy" from Melbourne all this week. On Thursday the ladies had considered they would travel into Brisbane for the day. However after a hectic week they decided to spend a leisurely day around the pool. The weather had turned on its Queensland's best and was lovely and warm. Reading and swimming were the order of the day.

On Thursday evening Trish and Rainy headed off to "Trivia", they were delighted when the won the night's competition.

So Friday was to be the day into Brisbane. The weather was even warmer getting to 30 degrees so again plans were 'reorganised'. Lunch was meant to be spent in Buderim at the Buderim Tavern. The lunch didn't eventuate but a drink or two did. However we enjoyed our "Beefy's" pies in a small park nearby. By the time we had gotten around to ordering lunch at the Tavern we were told there would be a 60 minute wait!

Back to house about mid afternoon meant there was time for a swim and a "Nanna Nap". Then at about 6 pm it was down the street for fish n' chips to eat beside the beach! It was extremely pleasant. Upon our arrival back at the house yet another swim was in order as this photo shows.

The day ended with a Nicole Kidman movie called "Rabbit Hole". The movie though enjoyable was a bit slow for us.

Today Rainy returns to Melbourne when her flight leaves early this evening. The girls have a shopping afternoon planned as they make their way to the Maroochydore Airport. Rainy is due back at her home in Drouin about 11 pm tonight!

Today the weather is due to return to being "wet" with rain and possible storms forecast for this afternoon. At least the warm weather the last couple of days has allowed me to get a couple of bike rides in. Yesterday I did a 15k+ bike ride!

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Touring The Sunshine Coast

After a quiet relaxing Tuesday around the pool we decided to hit several of the tourist attractions around the Sunshine Coast during the afternoon and into the evening. First stop was the Ginger Factory in Yandina about 30k's from where we live. The Ginger Factory deals with all things 'ginger'. It has some tourist knick knack shops full of 'junk' to buy, little memorabilia stuff etc. However the tropical gardens there are beautiful as the photo to the left shows.

From there we went over the road to the Macadamia Nut Factory and enjoyed the 'free samples' available to all and sundry. The afternoon was getting on so the next stop was the small township of Eumundi, most noted for its twice weekly markets! Tuesday isn't a "Market Day' so the town was sleepy and quiet. We found an old pub and enjoyed a cool beer in ideal surroundings.

We were then on our way again to the lovely Coolum Beach which is probably the best surf beach here on the Sunshine Coast. There is a 'lookout' where this photo was taken looking to the south. The clouds in the sky were a indication of what was to come overnight! But it is a very pretty spot.

We weren't the only ones there taking snaps, this is quite a popular spot for visitors to the Sunshine Coast.

Back in the car again and we headed for Mooloolaba and the Surf Club there. The Mooloolaba beach is spectacular and one of the highlights of the Sunshine Coast. After a leisurely walk by the shops in Mooloolaba from where we had parked the car, the ladies enjoyed a bottle of "Champers" while I had a couple of beers in the ideal surroundings of the Mooloolaba Surf Club. It looks very pleasant don't you agree?

The final stop off was the "Spirit Of Tibet" restaurant for our tea. Trish and I reckon this is the best eatery here on the Sunshine Coast. I especially enjoy a very very hot chilly paste the guy makes. You need to use it sparingly as it is so hot but it is extremely tasty. Needless to say I usually finish up in a lather of sweat as this photo shows.

We arrived back home about 8:30 pm after a great afternoon out. Another 10mls of rain overnight but it looks to be a reasonable day for today. Trish has a Christmas Lunch on with some of the Stitchery ladies. Rainy and I will visit a few local spots around Caloundra until we are due to pick Trish up mid afternoon.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Some Sun At Last

It has been a little tough entertaining our visitor while the rain continues to tumble down outside. I tipped 40mls out of the rain gauge this morning, already we have had more than the total rain expected for December. Trish and Rainy did a tour of the main street of Caloundra on Monday between the showers. Then it was back home for drinks and nibblies.

But today the storm clouds have cleared and the sun is out. After all that rain it sure is humid. This photo was taken this morning and even though the temperature is a little cooler than it is right now the interesting figure is the 98% humidity! But the photo was taken at just after 7:30 am.

Right now the temperature in our small protected backyard is over 30 degrees and the humidity level is still around 80%. Usually we would expect the humidity level to be around 60%.

But it is warm enough to give the pool a good try out which is what Rainy is doing right now as I type. This photo shows her busy catching up on some reading! We are going to do some tourist things after lunch and head up towards Noosa and on the way home pop in to "Spirit Of Tibet" in Mooloolaba for dinner!

Our neighbours on both sides (both rentals) have now left or will officially move out in the next day or so. No one is currently living in either place. I don't know what is happening about new tenants but I will check that out in the next few days.

I bottled this morning and have another bottling to do later in the week. Despite wet weather yesterday I was able to get another lot of bottles washed and eventually dried. My supplies should now be fine for when we return from Melbourne. This time next week we will be driving down to Melbourne!

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Thanks To The Internet

We haven't been using the dishwasher because we were getting an error message saying there was a problem with 'water flow'. We were considering it might be time to upgrade it as it was now over 8 years old. We had tried all the recommendations outlined in the Manual relating to 'water flow' problems. It would stop working about 5 minutes into the cycle and the sign "Pots" would flash.

I jumped onto the internet and typed in "Dishlex Global 300 flashing pots". Pots is a cycle available and the lit 'Pots" name was flashing. Google did its stuff and up came a page of weblinks. The first one I tried talked about removing a lower front panel. I would then find a small translucent sludge sump and when emptied, would solve the problem.

After several skinned knuckles I eventually removed the lower front panel, found the sump, and removed it. After the gunk was removed, the sump was put back into place, the knuckles received another scraping and the dishwasher was put back together and turned on! It worked. The dishwasher went through its cycle.

We did find a water leak, so again it was pulled apart and I found an "O" ring sitting in the base. The "O" ring was fitted and things put back together again. This morning was the 'acid test', we did a load of dishes. The cycle worked perfectly and there was no water under the dishwasher!

My knuckles should heal in a day or so.

Trish collected Rainy from Maroochydore Airport and she arrived here at home about 6 pm. So the first night was spent chatting and a few drinks. This morning they are at the Caloundra main street market.

It is overcast and about mid 20's. After the overnight rain it is extremely humid. So far we have had over 80" of rain this year with showers forecast all week. We usually have a little over 64" of rain annually.

I will continue to endure the cricket on TV but tomorrow is a bottle washing day after I made another brew yesterday. Supplies should be right now for when we return from Melbourne after Christmas.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Just Before I Head Off

It is Saturday morning and I am about to head off to Computer Club.

I managed to get John Logan safely to the airport and on the plane by 9:30 am Thursday. John only had 10kgs of 'carry-on' luggage and he was able to get return airfares from Melbourne to here for $133 return! He also used 'web check in' which enabled him to walk directly through to Security without having to line up first for his boarding pass.

After John being around for a few days I had to put another brew on as my supplies suffered a bit of a hit. I will even put another brew on in the next day or so to ensure plenty of supply upon my return from Melbourne in the New Year. We drive down there leaving here December 14th and should arrive there the next day.

After dropping John off I waited about 45 minutes and collected Trish as she flew in from Melbourne. She was greeted by rain when she arrived back here on the Sunshine Coast. And that is just about the story of the last few days, rain, rain, rain! And there is more forecast for today with a heavier downpour on the cards for tomorrow. I have tipped around 125 mls out of the gauge, 5" in the old scale. I had to buy a new rain gauge as the old one's plastic stand became brittle and shattered.

The pool is full to overflowing meaning I had to put more salt in it. I haven't had a daily bike ride now for about 2 weeks, I have been in Melbourne or it has been too wet!

Good friend Rainy Beechey arrives up from Melbourne this evening to spend a week with us. I hope she brings her wet weather gear!

Australia is behind the 8 ball in the cricket test match right now. However there isn't much to do as the weather is not conducive to being outside so I spend much of the time watching the game on TV. Thank heavens it isn't cold!

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

From The Sunshine Coast

John Logan, a friend of mine accompanied back home from Melbourne on the plane Monday morning. He had some business to attend to and, as his Mum lives here too, some family to catch up with. The plane was 3/4 full so we had a spare seat in our row of three.

Monday afternoon saw us unpack, get some shopping done and then enjoy a few drinks and a dip in the pool. The home brew went down very well as did the swim in the pool. After a wonderful evening meal of BBQ snags, mashed potato, peas and tomatoes we enjoyed a movie. Tuesday was the 'business day' and we had to get to the Gold Coast so that took much of the day. John then spent the night with his mum and we all went to a club for tea. It was a 'dry' day for me as I was the driver.

I put the car in for a service Wednesday morning and just picked it up half an hour ago. I will do the blog page then head off to collect John and we will enjoy cricket on Pay-TV this afternoon (as well as a few more more brews).

I managed to get another brew 'on' this morning and have also washed the bottles too. We have had rain overnight and several heavy showers this morning. The pool is again full.

Trish comes home tomorrow (Thurs) so my trip to the airport is to put John on a plane home and to collect my lovely wife.

Got the post finished before 12 pm Melbourne time just in time for Russell's daily read!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Time For Me To Head Home Again

Despite an unkind weather forecast, the day was almost perfect for the wedding of my nephew Marcus and his lovely bride Brigitte. We drove to Dromana (about 50 minutes away) soon after lunch on Friday. We had Kate with us in the car (which completed the round trip perfectly)and met our other daughter Kim at the hotel. We stayed in the Dromana Hotel which had lovely large older style rooms. We were extremely happy with our choice of accommodation. We discovered the bus service was only for getting back to the hotel after the Reception.

Remember to click on the photo for a larger view. Then click on "Back" to return to this page.

It was a lovely day, catching up with all the family and attending the wedding and the reception. Kate isn't a real lover of alcohol and she was fine to drive us back to the hotel about 11:30 pm. It was great night.

The wet weather arrived Sunday morning as we went to the bride's parents home for a lunch. We didn't stay too long as the weather was threatening and we were all tired or perhaps a little seedy from the night before.

Trish went to bed quite early Saturday night. She has a cold and the wedding reception didn't help either.

Today is Sunday and I am due to fly back to Maroochydore first thing tomorrow morning. Trish will take me across to Chris' place this afternoon where I will spend the night. She will then drive back to Kate's. Chris will drive me to the airport first thing Monday morning.

I am due to arrive in Maroochydore about 10 am and my mate John Logan is coming with me for several nights.

Trish is staying a few more days and is due home on Thursday morning.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Water Level Is Fine!

I spent yesterday glued to the TV enjoying the 1st Test match, Australia Vs England live from Brisbane. The Australian fast bowler who took a hat trick was Peter Siddle who plays with Dandenong, the team I played much of my cricket with.

Trish went to a show in Melbourne last night with our youngest daughter Kim. She drove the car into Melbourne and back again. I checked the water level in the radiator this morning after the car had done about 150k's and the water level is fine. The car has performed perfectly, it hasn't missed a beat!

We are about to head off to Dromana this afternoon (about an hour away) for the wedding and won't get back here until Saturday afternoon.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


I caught up with my brother yesterday and left quite a few movies and TV shows with him. That should keep them going for a couple of months!

The car has been running fine but I had to put water in the radiator yesterday. I am hoping this was just from an airlock when the repair was done recently. The temperature gauge doesn't budge and the temperature yesterday was well over 30 degrees. With the motor running beautifully and the temp gauge not budging it seems OK.

For the fun of it I popped into a Hyundai dealer just to check out a change over on a new small very basic brand new model Hyundai Getz. They valued our car at $200! However the key words were "changeover price". If necessary we could get into a new Getz for about $10,000. Hyundai have a $12990 drive away deal on right now.

Our feeling is we will stay with the car we have. However any more serious problems and it may have to go.

We went Vietnamese last night with Patsy and Eddie. The total for the 4 of us was $60 and the meal was sensational.

Kate took the kids down to catch up with Arj who is on a school camp about 80k's from here for a few hours yesterday afternoon. As you can see from the photo taken here, when they returned last night it had been a pretty tiring trip for two little kids.

I have the cricket test match on TV today and then we have the wedding tomorrow and Saturday. The weather has turned to rainy. A cooler 24 today and then low 20's for the next few days. This is a shame for the wedding tomorrow afternoon.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

From Melbourne

I arrived in Melbourne Monday afternoon after flying for over 2 hours from Maroochydore to Tullamarine, Melbourne. One of the disadvantages of living where we do is the Sunshine Coast is a popular holiday destination for families. So the little boy who played up for the whole trip down in the plane was constantly being attended to by his mum. She stood and sat back down again about 25 times, each time plonking down into the seat in front of me. I was watching a movie on the laptop and unfortunately the drop down table I had was broken. The laptop didn't sit properly so each movement in front of me had to be managed carefully. As a school principal I was always in favour of retrospective abortion and this was yet another good case!

I spent the first evening at Chris' place with youngest daughter Kim, Trish, and Chris and his family. It is always a bit of fun. I gave Andrew the 'old' laptop to use and after 15 minutes he was frustrated with how slow it was. Trish was driving Kate's car so getting to the other side of the city and Kate's place at about 8:00 pm wasn't an issue. This photo of Kate's home in Melbourne was taken this morning.

On Tuesday we were off to see our official financial advisor Darren and our unofficial advisor John Logan. As I am about to turn 65 we need maneuver the superannuation around to make the most of benefits available to us. That is all now done.

From there it was back to John's home for 'coffee'. We knocked over a few stubbies and now John is flying back to the Sunshine Coast with me on Monday as he has some business to attend to in Brisbane. He will stay for a few nights with me before flying back home.

The car is running very well. One of the spark plug leads wouldn't click on properly but after clearing some debris (broken bit of old spark plug lead) the lead now firmly clicks into place and the car runs very smoothly. We have an issue with the front door as the driver's side door won't unlock with the key. The lock needs replacing. However the remote control works reasonably well and unlocks the door OK. We drove the car for well over 70k's yesterday and it went flawlessly.

Today I am driving over to visit my brother this afternoon and then later tonight we are out for Vietnamese for tea with Eddie and Patsy.

The weather has been sunny and low 30's with a northerly wind. Rain is forecast for tomorrow and stretching over into the weekend. We have the wedding on Friday.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Showery Weather

Overcast, windy with showers of rain is the weather we are getting right now. Another 7mls in the gauge from yesterday with several showers overnight. This is the view which greeted me this morning at about 7:30am.

I fly to Melbourne tomorrow morning so it is time to tidy the backyard up, clean the pool, give the lawn a quick mow and get things ready. I am only away for a week so there isn't as much to do as some other times.

I have been invited out for tea tonight and to have a few drinks. I won't over indulge as there is nothing worse than moving at 100% and flying in a plane.

So my next post will be from Melbourne. The forecast down there is for lovely warm weather while here is expecting showers on and off throughout the week.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Trish, The Mechanic

The car wasn't ready till almost 6 pm and repairs cost much more than anticipated! The guy told Trish it was running a bit roughly but should be OK to go. She got about 50 of the 70k's done that she had to do to get to Kate's when the car just didn't seem to want to go anymore.

She pulled to the side of the Freeway and again called the RACV for help. Because she was on a Freeway the only service available was a tow! So again the little car was towed via a truck but this time to Kate's home. Later another RACV guy arrived and spotted the problem quickly. It needed new Spark Plug leads. I had indicated this to Trish earlier when she described the car's behaviour via the mobile phone. It has been like this before many years ago and new leads fixed it.

The RACV told Trish exactly the type of leads the car required (special leads for a Mazda 626 or Ford Telstar). This morning (Saturday) she bought and fitted them herself in about 15 minutes and right now the car is running just beautifully!

I was pretty disappointed that the repair people over at Tullamarine would put someone into a car and send them to travel 70k's during peak hour traffic in a car which wasn't running properly! A phone call to them will be in order first thing Monday.

I was absolutely flat out at the Computer Club today! I was glad when it was over and I could come home. The last 24 hours or so have been a bit stressful so a full on morning wasn't what I was looking for.

Friday, November 19, 2010

It Never Rains But It Pours!

The rain we were expecting didn't fall on Wednesday or on Thursday. It was cloudy enough but the grey skies didn't drop any rain. Yesterday morning I got Trish to the local airport well before her take-off time ready for her trip to Melbourne. The next I heard from her was when she was stuck beside the road in Melbourne in our second car we have down there with the motor refusing to go. Our daughter in law Wendy was walking back to collect the kids from school while Trish waited for the RACV!

The car has cost us a bit recently with gear box problems so another break down was not what we wanted. It turns out the radiator had a leak and the thing had boiled dry. The car was towed to the nearest RACV centre, (next to Kim's work) and they waited till it cooled down. The head isn't cracked so they stopped just in time. It is being repaired as I type and hopefully all will be OK by lunchtime today!

The water level in the pool was down a fair bit yesterday and I had banked on the promised rain to top it up. I awoke at midnight to hear the heavens had opened up and it was raining steadily.

This morning the pool is full and there are 38mls in the rain gauge (1.5" Lou-ann).

I also managed to steam-clean the floors yesterday afternoon. It wasn't too hot but I sure lost plenty of fluid doing the job. Fortunately I had plenty of home-brew available to replace any lost fluid!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Rain On Its Way

The dishwasher still sits idly and still not checked. We have to remove everything from under the sink to get to the hoses and power lead. It will possibly take an hour or two to check and this isn't high on the agenda just now. Trish is getting ready to head to Melbourne and working on the website for the Arts Centre Association. She is enjoying it a lot. This has put the dishwasher on the 'not so important' list!

It is a delightful day outside, hardly a cloud in the sky and a stiff breeze blowing in off the ocean. As usual here, the warmest time of the day will be around lunchtime. The cooler prevailing sea breeze usually kicks in early afternoon and the temperature usually begins to fall be it ever so slowly during the afternoon. I did 14ks today on the bike and the pool was a whisker under 26 this morning. It will get to over 28 in the pool later today.

Click on the pool photo for a larger view.

The water level is down a little with some evaporation over the last few days. Some showers followed by rain is expected overnight and early tomorrow. The hose into the pool's skimmer box that you can see at the top of the photo above left is connected to a storm water diverter built in to one of the downpipes from the roof (click on the photo to the left for a larger view). When it rains, water from the roof is diverted via the hose into the pool. The pool probably needs 3 or 4 cms to top it up to be full again. With the diverter about 10mls of rain should be enough to do this.

We watched the movie "Red Hill" last night. It is an Aussie movie created by the same team who made "Wolf Creek" which was a bit of a horror flick with plenty of violence and action. You can see the similarities in movie style when watching "Red Hill". It wasn't too bad.

I take Trish to Maroochydore airport tomorrow morning (Thursday) at 8:30 am. She flies out at 10:30. This is 11:30 in Melbourne as they have daylight saving. Trish is due to be collected from Tullamarine Airport in Melbourne at about 2:15 pm. It is a good idea to be earlier rather than later when flying with these budget airlines nowadays.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Kind Of "Back To Normal"

Trish has been very busy over the weekend with the Craft Centre Association's big annual "Fair". As a Vice president she attended the centre Friday, Saturday and Sunday and is back there again this morning for a follow up meeting.

My presentation on "Buying Over The Internet" went quite well at the Computer Club on Saturday morning and I was able to help a few people out.

The weather has been a little cloudy with the odd short shower in the mornings but generally a fine afternoon. This year has been cooler than most years. So far there hasn't been a max temp over 30 degrees which is most unusual. The pool is about 25 in the morning and struggles to get to 27 or so in the afternoon. No showers early today so I got the full 13+k bike ride in OK.

There is a sense of heat out there today so maybe we will get to the high 20's here.

I am not much of a golfer but I enjoyed the last day's play in the Australian Masters over the weekend. Tiger Woods was playing and had a sensational final 6 holes where he picked up 6 shots! It was great to watch. Australia's Stuart Appleby won the tournament.

Trish heads to Melbourne on Thursday and I follow her down on Monday.

We haven't had a chance to check the dishwasher just yet but hope to get to it later.

Friday, November 12, 2010

A Shower Was Enough

I managed only 3 kilometres of my bike ride today until I was forced to return home because of a short shower of rain. The sky was quite black and looked ugly this morning but the wind was coming off the sea and could have blown the dark clouds away. It did but only after a short sharp shower which wet me through. Right now it is sunny outside, pretty humid after the shower of rain and heading to the high 20's. It is a bit too warm to ride.

I found this can toad sitting on top of the in pool thermometre when I checked this morning. He is now suffering from blunt force trauma as a result of a three iron and he is currently on the front lawn!

Our dishwasher hasn't been working so well recently and Trish decided to give it a good clean out. She spent an hour on it yesterday, put it all back together and started it up. Now it goes into problem mode with a light flashing on the front indicating no water is getting through.

We will check it out over the weekend but it has been making a new noise recently and the dishes haven't been perfectly clean. We may be in for a new one!

Trish is at the Caloundra Arts Centre today getting ready for the annual Arts Fair on all this weekend. it is the group's major fund raiser and Trish has been heavily involved with the organisation.

Trish has been working on a website for the Caloundra Arts Centre Association group too. It is now online and you can see it HERE. She is prepared to experiment more with her website than I ever was. She has added the banner background picture and the next step is to modify the background color.

She will be busy with the "Fair" all weekend. Fortunately for me there is either golf from Melbourne (depending on the nasty weather predicted for the next few days) or a cricket Test match involving New Zealand in India.

I have a presentation to give tomorrow at the Computer Club. I am doing something on my experiences "Internet Buying".

The joke below tickled my fancy!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

All Girl Biker Bar

An old, blind cowboy wanders into an all-girl biker bar by mistake.

He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a shot of Jack Daniels.

After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender, 'Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?'

The bar immediately falls absolutely silent.

In a very deep, husky voice, the woman next to him says,

'Before you tell that joke, Cowboy, I think it is only fair,Given that you are blind, that you should know five things:

1. The bartender is a blonde girl with a baseball bat.

2. The bouncer is a blonde girl.

3. I'm a 6-foot tall, 175-pound blonde woman with a black belt in karate.

4. The woman sitting next to me is blonde and a professional weight lifter.

5. The lady to your right is blonde and a professional wrestler.

Now, think about it seriously, Cowboy. Do you still wanna tell that blonde joke?'

The blind cowboy thinks for a second, shakes his head and mutters, 'No...not if I'm gonna have to explain it five times.'

The latest "News" post is below!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Recovering From A Bit Of A "Booking" Problem

The weather has improved but still remains a little on the cooler side for where we live. Hopefully we will get above the mid 20's today as cloud has been around now for some time. It is clear and sunny now but a little breezy off the Pacific Ocean here.

Plenty of sport on TV has kept me occupied and Trish continues to work away on her website for the Craft Association here.

I have been a little busy with the Community Association as we had a public meeting on Monday night and I was involved with trying to alert everyone via the website what was happening. Check out the right hand side of this blog and look for "Bellvista Community Association" under Les' Links. The 'News&Events' page is where I have all the latest news.

We even had our local Member of State Parliament visit yesterday to check out some of the hassles we have with only one road into the estate. I was a member of the deputation that ran him through resident's concerns.

As many of you know we are heading south in a week or so, Trish for two weeks and me for one week. We have a wedding to get to down on Victoria's Mornington Peninsula. We had booked into a motel for the our one night down there. Trish got a call this morning to say "Sorry, but we have double booked your room and you can't have it now!" We hastily went to book a 'cabin' at the nearby caravan park but were informed, "Sorry, we are booked out!"

We eventually found a couple rooms at the Dromana Hotel which is only slightly dearer than the run down motel we had booked into. And it is right on the foreshore!

I am doing a presentation at the Computer Club this week on buying things on the internet. It is pretty basic stuff but sometimes that is just the sort of information some people want.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

I Love This Joke


A man is stopped by the police at midnight and asked where he’s going.

“I’m on my way to listen to a lecture about the effects of alcohol and drug abuse on the human body.”

The policeman asks, “Really? And who’s giving a lecture at this time of night?”

“My wife.”

Friday, November 05, 2010

No Bird 'Attacks' For Two Days In A Row.

I am pleased to report that I have had no problems with birds protecting their nests by diving on me during my bike ride over the last two days. This is most likely because it has been so wet I haven't been able to get out for a ride. Another 38 mls in the rain gauge this morning giving us the grand total of 55mls (or over 2" in the old scale") over the last two days.

99% of these birds giving me a hard time means they fly within a couple of metres of me so it isn't at all dangerous. Most of the birds are usually smaller ones and are not a problem.

The average annual rainfall for Caloundra is about 63" per year. Up to this morning we have had over 72" of rain so far this year and we still have the best part of two wet months to go. If things go according to 'averages" we can expect another 8" of rain up to the end of 2010. The weather people are expecting rainfall 'greater than the average' for the remainder of 2010.

And we are to get two new sets of neighbours, one on either side. The young couple to the left as you face our place have bought a 5 bedroom place north of Maroochydore. He enjoys his music and they are planning to increase their family. The current little house is totally unsuitable for them. They popped in yesterday and asked us to witness their signatures on a sale document. They leave in about one month.

Meanwhile on the other side there has been a marriage breakup. He has already gone and the wife and two little kids are moving out in a about 10 days.

It would be great to get some 'older' neighbours with whom we can relate. We will just have to wait and see.

I enjoyed the joke below!

The Porch!

A blonde teenage girl, wanting to earn some extra money for the Summer, decided to hire herself out as a 'handy-woman' and started canvassing a nearby well-to-do neighborhood.

She went to the front door of the first house, and asked the owner if he had any odd jobs for her to do.

'Well, I guess I could use somebody to paint my porch,' he said. 'How much will you charge me?'

Delighted, the girl quickly responded, 'How about $50?'

The man agreed and told her that the paint brushes and everything she would need was in the garage. The man's wife, hearing the conversation said to her husband, 'Does she realize that our porch goes ALL the way around the house?'

He responded, 'That's a bit cynical, isn't it?'

The wife replied, 'You're right.... I guess I'm starting to believe all those dumb blonde jokes.'

Later that day, the blonde came to the door to collect her money.

'You're finished already?' the startled husband asked.

'Yes,' the blonde replied, 'and I even had paint left over, so I gave it two coats.'

Impressed, the man reached into his pocket for the $50.00 and handed it to her along with a ten dollar tip.

'And by the way,' the blonde added, 'it's not a Porch, it's a Lexus!

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Bike Gets a Rest

No bike ride today, it was too wet! Rain started earlier this morning and there must be over an inch in the rain gauge by now. It is all due to clear overnight and hopefully just "Showers" for the next few days. However they are only expecting low 20's for the next two days.

It was almost necessary to top the pool up yesterday as the level had dropped somewhat due to evaporation. I held off as the forecast had predicted the rain this morning. The water diverter I installed 12 months ago had the pool topped up after about 10mls of rain. It is overflowing out into the street via storm water drains right now.

The photo shows the hose from the diverter which empties into the pool's skimmer box. It works really well.

Trish is at the Tourist Info Centre again today while I tap away on my keyboard. I have been doing a bit on the Community Association website today which I enjoy doing immensely.

Cricket was a disaster last night on TV with the home team getting beaten again. It is raining still but there is live coverage of New Zealand vs India available on Pay Tv so that will fill my day in.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010


The new shopping centre here on our estate opened on Monday without any fanfare (nor most of the shops!) The doctor still had to get broadband connected after Telstra messed up the order, hopefully this will be done before the end of the week. The hairdresser isn't opening till Wednesday. The Bakery required a clearance from the Fire Brigade to run its ovens and that was due to come through late yesterday afternoon. The supermarket has 5 weeks till opening as it requires generators to be installed as backup for their refrigeration.

It was supposed to rain yesterday afternoon but we only got enough to make the roadway damp! It wasn't enough rain to keep me away from today's bike ride around the estate. The photo left shows some of the pathway I ride along each morning. I did almost 14k's today and was swooped a couple of times by smaller birds thinking I was a danger to the young in their nests. The swooping wasn't enough to cause me any worries.

I recently downloaded the movie 'Inception' which scores 9.1 on the Movie Data Base. This is a huge score! We watched it last night and now I have just question to ask .... does anyone know what this movie is about? It is a Sci-Fi movie and not really our cup of tea. We much preferred "The Social Network", the story of Mark Zuckergerg, the creator of Facebook which we watched over the weekend. "The Social Network" movie scored 8.5 and both Trish an I enjoyed it very much!

A cooler wind this morning but it is still expected to get to the high 20's this afternoon. Showers are predicted for the rest of the week though.

The race which stops the nation, the Melbourne Cup is to be run this afternoon so we will sit down to watch that later on. Trish has Stitchers Wednesday morning and I am off around to help an older couple with their computer in the morning.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Not A Lot Of News

So far the biggest disappointment of the weekend has been all the rain in Melbourne, it washed out the cricket I was planning to watch on TV Saturday afternoon. However Australia certainly needs the rain it has been getting the last few months with much of the country in drought over the last 10 or so years.

Just sunny weather up this way with daily temps around the mid 20's. The pool was about 24.5 degrees this morning after my bike ride. The clothes line shows where my bike riding gear finishes up after a near 14k bike ride followed by a swim! We look like we are in for some storms late Monday afternoon which will regenerate the lawn and top up the pool.

I had another good morning at the computer club yesterday and helped a few people out again.

Trish enjoyed her morning at the Tourist Info Centre and later attended a Nutrimetics Party (whatever that may be).

We may be up for new neighbours again on both sides. There has been a nasty marriage breakup on one side while the other young family on the other side has been house hunting this weekend. Their place is just too small for them. He is from a farm in Western Australia and his little home now just can't accommodate his interests. He finds it frustrating when listening to his loud music and the grumpy old neighbour (me) puts his head over the fence and repeatedly ask him to turn it all down! I am pleased to add that when asked to turn it down he does!

These smaller homes aren't designed for that sort of living!

We have our little shopping centre opening here tomorrow. That will be great for the estate.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday And The Sun Is Shining

The weather is such that it is becoming necessary to get away a little earlier in the day for my bike ride. It is beginning to warm up. Right now it is in the high 20's in our sheltered back yard. Yesterday the pool nudged 27 degrees late in the afternoon while this morning it was between 24 and 25.

Trish spent yesterday on a "Familiaristaion Day" with the Tourist Information Centre. About 30 of the volunteers were escorted around Rainbow Beach (about 80k north of us) and shown the sights and the accommodation. This should then convert into more visitors being directed their way.

They were fed and escorted to some of the attractions of the area. We then headed out for tea at the Thai place in town. Trish had arrived home a little late so we had a night out.

I downloaded the movie "Eat, Pray, Love" so we watched that last night. It was a definite "chick flick". Today I grabbed a copy of "The Social Network" which tells the story of how Facebook was started up. Gets a great score!

I have completed renovating the small side tables and I have been happy with the way they have come up. Look good don't they?

Did my 13+k's this morning and got talking to several people. I met Waiy who has been living here in Australia from Singapore for well over 40 years. We had a great chat about food of course. Then I ran into another guy named Brian. He too is a home brewer and gave me a stubby of his latest brew to try. Looked good riding at 8 am with a stubby in hand!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Warm & Humid Today

The storms we were promised Sunday night arrived around midnight dropping another 21mls of rain on us. The lawn grows as you look at it right now! I had a shortened ride on Monday following the overnight rain but still did over 10k's. I know it is still magpie swooping season as one has had at go at me a couple of times on consecutive days now. I might add a little detour to my daily ride tomorrow and that will keep both me and the magpie happy!

I 'built' some small side tables for when we were caravaning. I used an old fold-up fisherman's chair and attached a piece of timber across the top. They were very effective and being fold-up were easy to store. Weather and time have taken their toll so the side tables were in for a tidy up. It is amazing what you can do with a spray can of black paint and some leftover paint. This photo shows the initial coats drying overnight.

This morning the temp has been just over 30 in our little enclosed backyard all morning. The pool was just under 25 degrees after my ride. There were another 2mls in the rain gauge. This hotter weather and abundant recent rainfall was a sure mix for a humid day today. It is around 75% right now which is even high for this place.

As I put a brew on on Sunday, there was always going to be a day set aside for bottle washing. The job is now all done and one of the nearly finished side tables can be seen drying in the background of this photo.

Trish is at "Stitchers" this morning and has a hair appointment for this afternoon. There is a one day cricket match on TV today which will keep me quite happy!

I thought the joke below was quite a good one!