Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ready To Head Off Tomorrow

We are about to leave for our annual Christmas trip to Melbourne. We plan to drive down there leaving here about 5 am Wednesday morning. Slowly clothes and things have been building up on the double bed in the spare bedroom. This is where we put our clothes and things prior to packing them into bags.

I am aiming to take some clothes with me which will stay down there. I have jeans and warm shirts I never wear here but take up valuable space in my suitcase each time I fly south to Melbourne. The clothes will 'live' in a bag which we will keep in the boot of the car down there so it doesn't take up any of Kate's cupboard space.

So the pool has had all its chemicals updated, the lawn has been mowed, the backyard will be tidied up and things prepared for when we are away. We have already booked a motel room in Gilgandra which is about half way to Melbourne. We should arrive at Kate's later in the afternoon on Thursday.

Our family has rented a house at Ocean Grove which is big enough to house all of us for the weekend. Trish and I will drive down about lunch time Friday and probably take James and Charli with us. The others will arrive after work on the Friday evening. We will have our Christmas Lunch and present giving there on Saturday before heading home Sunday. It should be fun!

Kim flies to India for 6 weeks mid next week so this will be our only time to be with her before she flies out.

It is another warm steamy day today with temps around 30 degrees. The pool water temp is close to that too. Our new Supermarket opened here on the estate today and it was awash with bargain hunters. It will be great for this area.

My next Blog entry will most likely come from Melbourne

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What the??? Am I the first person to comment on how interesting it is to read where your clothes hang BEFORE you put them in bags.... not to outshine the visual?