Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Some Sun At Last

It has been a little tough entertaining our visitor while the rain continues to tumble down outside. I tipped 40mls out of the rain gauge this morning, already we have had more than the total rain expected for December. Trish and Rainy did a tour of the main street of Caloundra on Monday between the showers. Then it was back home for drinks and nibblies.

But today the storm clouds have cleared and the sun is out. After all that rain it sure is humid. This photo was taken this morning and even though the temperature is a little cooler than it is right now the interesting figure is the 98% humidity! But the photo was taken at just after 7:30 am.

Right now the temperature in our small protected backyard is over 30 degrees and the humidity level is still around 80%. Usually we would expect the humidity level to be around 60%.

But it is warm enough to give the pool a good try out which is what Rainy is doing right now as I type. This photo shows her busy catching up on some reading! We are going to do some tourist things after lunch and head up towards Noosa and on the way home pop in to "Spirit Of Tibet" in Mooloolaba for dinner!

Our neighbours on both sides (both rentals) have now left or will officially move out in the next day or so. No one is currently living in either place. I don't know what is happening about new tenants but I will check that out in the next few days.

I bottled this morning and have another bottling to do later in the week. Despite wet weather yesterday I was able to get another lot of bottles washed and eventually dried. My supplies should now be fine for when we return from Melbourne. This time next week we will be driving down to Melbourne!

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