Tuesday, November 02, 2010


The new shopping centre here on our estate opened on Monday without any fanfare (nor most of the shops!) The doctor still had to get broadband connected after Telstra messed up the order, hopefully this will be done before the end of the week. The hairdresser isn't opening till Wednesday. The Bakery required a clearance from the Fire Brigade to run its ovens and that was due to come through late yesterday afternoon. The supermarket has 5 weeks till opening as it requires generators to be installed as backup for their refrigeration.

It was supposed to rain yesterday afternoon but we only got enough to make the roadway damp! It wasn't enough rain to keep me away from today's bike ride around the estate. The photo left shows some of the pathway I ride along each morning. I did almost 14k's today and was swooped a couple of times by smaller birds thinking I was a danger to the young in their nests. The swooping wasn't enough to cause me any worries.

I recently downloaded the movie 'Inception' which scores 9.1 on the Movie Data Base. This is a huge score! We watched it last night and now I have just question to ask .... does anyone know what this movie is about? It is a Sci-Fi movie and not really our cup of tea. We much preferred "The Social Network", the story of Mark Zuckergerg, the creator of Facebook which we watched over the weekend. "The Social Network" movie scored 8.5 and both Trish an I enjoyed it very much!

A cooler wind this morning but it is still expected to get to the high 20's this afternoon. Showers are predicted for the rest of the week though.

The race which stops the nation, the Melbourne Cup is to be run this afternoon so we will sit down to watch that later on. Trish has Stitchers Wednesday morning and I am off around to help an older couple with their computer in the morning.

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