Wednesday, December 01, 2010

From The Sunshine Coast

John Logan, a friend of mine accompanied back home from Melbourne on the plane Monday morning. He had some business to attend to and, as his Mum lives here too, some family to catch up with. The plane was 3/4 full so we had a spare seat in our row of three.

Monday afternoon saw us unpack, get some shopping done and then enjoy a few drinks and a dip in the pool. The home brew went down very well as did the swim in the pool. After a wonderful evening meal of BBQ snags, mashed potato, peas and tomatoes we enjoyed a movie. Tuesday was the 'business day' and we had to get to the Gold Coast so that took much of the day. John then spent the night with his mum and we all went to a club for tea. It was a 'dry' day for me as I was the driver.

I put the car in for a service Wednesday morning and just picked it up half an hour ago. I will do the blog page then head off to collect John and we will enjoy cricket on Pay-TV this afternoon (as well as a few more more brews).

I managed to get another brew 'on' this morning and have also washed the bottles too. We have had rain overnight and several heavy showers this morning. The pool is again full.

Trish comes home tomorrow (Thurs) so my trip to the airport is to put John on a plane home and to collect my lovely wife.

Got the post finished before 12 pm Melbourne time just in time for Russell's daily read!

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