Saturday, November 20, 2010

Trish, The Mechanic

The car wasn't ready till almost 6 pm and repairs cost much more than anticipated! The guy told Trish it was running a bit roughly but should be OK to go. She got about 50 of the 70k's done that she had to do to get to Kate's when the car just didn't seem to want to go anymore.

She pulled to the side of the Freeway and again called the RACV for help. Because she was on a Freeway the only service available was a tow! So again the little car was towed via a truck but this time to Kate's home. Later another RACV guy arrived and spotted the problem quickly. It needed new Spark Plug leads. I had indicated this to Trish earlier when she described the car's behaviour via the mobile phone. It has been like this before many years ago and new leads fixed it.

The RACV told Trish exactly the type of leads the car required (special leads for a Mazda 626 or Ford Telstar). This morning (Saturday) she bought and fitted them herself in about 15 minutes and right now the car is running just beautifully!

I was pretty disappointed that the repair people over at Tullamarine would put someone into a car and send them to travel 70k's during peak hour traffic in a car which wasn't running properly! A phone call to them will be in order first thing Monday.

I was absolutely flat out at the Computer Club today! I was glad when it was over and I could come home. The last 24 hours or so have been a bit stressful so a full on morning wasn't what I was looking for.

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