Sunday, December 12, 2010

Rain Again

Saturday proved to be the warmest day we have had this year with the low 30's being registered in the backyard. The pool was up to 29 degrees in the afternoon. Saturday was also the last day of Computer Club and they had a "Morning Tea" to finish the year off. Plenty of party food so it was a pleasant way to finish the year.

As most of you know we are in to watching stuff I have downloaded from the 'net'. I use a WD TV HD Media Player to connect a hard disk drive to the TV and works pretty well. I have had it for a few years now and I recently discovered they no longer provide 'updates' for my model. The price of the better and latest model (WD TV Live) has dropped substantially so I grabbed one the other day. It was about 40% off the price they were 6 months ago!

This model is being supported so there are firmware updates to keep up with the latest movie formats. However the biggest improvement I have noticed is its ability to play DTS music (Digital Theatre Sound). I can now get great sound from DTS music CD's I have downloaded. This model also allows me to access other computers and the internet via my home wireless network. I will need to buy a "USB Wireless Dongle" (see left) to do that though.

We farewelled our guest for the week (Rainy) late Saturday afternoon. Her plane was held up on the tarmac for an hour as heavy rain and thunderstorms hit the Sunshine Coast later in the afternoon. The rain gauge had another 80mls in it this morning and it has been raining steadily though not heavily all day.

I had a call from people yesterday needing computer help urgently. They had inadvertently downloaded a program (Security Shield) that told them computer was badly infected with viruses and trojans and they needed to register the program to get rid of them. It took a bit of doing and two visits but eventually I was able to get rid of it for them. Malwarebytes and System Restore did the trick.

A quiet day today watching One Day Cricket on TV.

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