Friday, April 29, 2011

A Little On The Cool Side

The temperature probably struggled to about 22 degrees here yesterday with cloudy and showery weather. This is probably not my 'best' photo which Trish took just to show me up wearing socks with shorts. Today is a little warmer with more sun around. It should get to the mid 20's OK. Overnight showers and wet roads means I didn't get a bike ride in again this morning. I tipped another 10mls out of the rain gauge today.

Sometimes the car's brake lights don't switch off so it is booked in to be looked at next Wednesday afternoon. It may need a new switch or a 'stopper' (whatever that is).

The old PC still isn't doing its thing properly. Yesterday I started it 16 times and it worked perfectly on 13 of those startups. This morning it decided to turn itself off and I haven't been able to restart it. I will let it sit for an hour or so without the power lead attached and see if it runs again. It had previously started perfectly on a couple of occasions. Its behaviour is further evidence I did the right thing by having the new one built.

I popped into Aldi in Caloundra yesterday and bought a 11 fin oil heater for about $50. We need some heating here for about 6 weeks of the year from mid June through to the end of July.

I put another brew on this morning. I have a beer I am drinking at the moment which took well over the recommended time to brew which is between 5 and 7 days. This one took over 11 days which indicated something went wrong. It doesn't taste too good so I mix either lemonade or Stones Green Ginger Wine with it to make it OK. I have tipped a few bottles of the beer out as well. I think they have just about all gone now!

I will be bottle washing and bottling during next week.

Trish is at Quilter's this morning. Her laptop continues to work beautifully.

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