Monday, April 04, 2011

Firefox Version 4

I use Firefox as my web browser.

A web browser is the program you use when you are accessing websites on the internet. I prefer it to Internet Explorer mainly because I can use numerous add-ons so the program does exactly what I want it to do. It is easy to change the appearance, to open various pages and to do all sorts of things. Many of the features that Internet Explorer has included in recent versions first came from Firefox.

There are a few web browsers available for people to use, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera just to mention a few. Internet Explorer is the most widely used as it comes automatically with every copy of Windows be it Windows 7, Vista, XP etc.

However Firefox is beginning to catch up with about 30% of people using it as their preferred internet browser. Safari is the program you get with a Mac computer but there is a Windows version of it available too.

Recently the latest version Firefox 4 was released and automatically updated on most people's computers. As with many new internet programs it may have some hassles and things which don't work properly when the new version first comes out. We have already found a couple of these things.

Firefox 4 doesn't always want to upload my photos from the computer into my blog page and Trish is unable to access our online banking. This is easy enough to fix because I have added the "Open This Page In IE" add on. I just right click on the page in Firefox, select "Open This Page In IE" and Firefox then does it. A few seconds later Internet Explorer opens at the page I need to use.

You will find a few updates for Firefox 4 in the next few days as these small hassles are attended to.

Now I have to find a Firefox picture using Google Images and upload it to this blog post!

Well I have done it at last after a fair bit of drama. It turns out the problem is within Blogger itself and not within Firefox 4. Blogger has new way of writing posts (Post Editor) and I had switched to the new editor. As soon as I got into my Blogger settings and reverted back to the old version of the editor, the picture upload process worked again. However it doesn't make the uploaded pics as small as they used to be.

I tipped 5mls out of the rain gauge this morning from those passing showers. I rode my 12.5ks again this morning but decided to give a swim in the pool a miss.

Last night we watched "The Way Back", a story of a trek to India made by a group who escaped a Siberian Gulag in the early 1940's. It gets 7.4 but I reckon it was a great movie and worth more than 7.4!

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