Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Very Busy Saturday Morning

I have been flat out all yesterday and today. Yesterday was all stuff to do with the 'old' PC in getting stuff back onto it so it is usable. Today has bee an extremely busy morning at the Computer Club.

The main PC still isn't 'right'. Every now and again it goes into overdrive and the red hard disk activity light on the front of it just goes ballistic. Anything which is happening on the computer just freezes for about 30 seconds or so. The hard drive activity light stops and everything returns to normal. This happens possibly a couple of times each hour.

A couple of times when I have turned it off the blue 'power on' light stays on. This too isn't right. I spoke with a guy last night and he believes the most likely cause is a hard disk drive which is about to die!

I contacted the guy who said he would build me a new PC for a 'case of beer'. He still seems keen to do it and he has sent me a couple of quotes on costs. The deal is I buy the parts (he tells me what parts to buy) and he will put it all together for me. The part buying will be done online. They are delivered to Maroochydore. I pay for them and pick them up. He collects them and puts it together. I give him a bottle of Boubon Whisky as payment!

It means the new PC will ready to go possibly Wednesday of next week. It should be built from quality parts and therefore save me money!

Today has seen me flat out with Computer Club. I feel like I have been through a wringer when I set off to drive home today. It is go, go, go!

This afternoon it is footy on the TV and I will sit back, enjoy a few beers and watch the footy!

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