Friday, April 15, 2011

Easter Comes Early

This time this post is coming from the 'old' computer. It has risen from the dead and running OK at the moment.

I tried to reformat it yesterday with both Windows 7 and Vista and neither install program would work! I reckon I tried about 15 times but each time without luck.

I turned the thing off in disgust and went and watched TV instead!

First thing this morning I thought I would have one more go and .... voila! It installed beautifully and all is go again.

However the power light remains on at shut down which indicates all is not right with it. But as this photo shows it looks to be running fine right now.

I am in the process of ordering an upgraded tower. This incident has given me a bit of a scare and it is only a matter of time until the intermittent fault becomes a full blown disaster.

Most of the day has been spent reloading software and getting things sorted!

The guy who is building me a new one is due to pop in shortly with a quote so I had better run!

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