Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Phone Has Not Been Working

I first noticed it late Monday afternoon. My internet connection dropped out. It had never happened before so good has the service been. Scott was coming around to build the new PC and we needed the internet so I reset the modem and was glad to see everything was fine again. Tuesday morning I noticed the internet dropped out again. Strange I thought. Throughout the day it dropped another couple of times as well.

Then Trish's mobile phone went off with a message saying someone had tried to ring us but couldn't get through, so they had left a message on our messages 101 service. After picking up the wall phone we couldn't hear any dial tone! That also explained the internet drop outs, there was a phone line fault somewhere.

A call to Telstra was put in to report a fault. With their help we pulled out all the phone connections from the wall while they did tests (or so we thought we did). The fault was still there so a tech would be out to check our home on Thursday!

Come Wednesday morning and overnight the internet had dropped again. However about 9 am we noticed the phone service had come back on. Great, the fault had been found and repaired. I rang Telstra to report all was OK.

Trish headed out while I began to play with both computers. Looks pretty impressive doesn't it! Then at about 11 am I noticed the internet connection had dropped out again. Again there wasn't any dial tone on the phones!

Back I went to report the fault to Telstra. Again I was told to pull out all the phone connections and they would do a test. On the phone connection to the wall phone (see above) we have wall phone internet filter plate behind it. We had worked out how to remove it (and it isn't easy, you need to use pliers) so this time we actually pulled out everything! They did a quick reset from their end and we had our phone service back. It appears the problem is most likely the wall plate filter for the wall phone is faulty and requires replacement.

We will monitor the situation!

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