Sunday, May 01, 2011

A Bike Ride at Last

Dry weather and no overnight drizzle meant I could have a bike ride this morning for the first time for almost a week. It has been wet and showery, so far we have had almost 25" of rain above normal for this time of year. And as the photo shows the weather today is glorious. Showers are predicted to return on Tuesday!

The grass is a little long right now all of which is due to the incredible amount of rain we have had. I gave my front lawn a mow yesterday! I used a special spray to kill a certain type of weed which my lawn had growing in it. Not only did the spray kill the weed it also killed the grass. It is all beginning to grow back now. Problem is it is the weed which is growing back rather than the grass!

The pleasant morning inspired me to vacuum the pool. When checking the salt level I found the pool needed more salt, an effect of all the rain we have had washing excess pool water (and salt) down the drain! The pool is clean and the salt level is again fine.

Computer Club was extremely busy yesterday morning for me. It is nice helping people out but sometimes the problems are so basic you just think some of these people shouldn't be allowed near a computer!

My old computer just won't go now. The new one is wonderful. Scott will try to call in over the next day or so and check it for me. He is a lovely guy and I don't want to make a 'hog' of myself utilizing his expertise.

Russ, a friend in Victoria has had his PC of 11 years die! He took it to the shop to be looked at and was advised the best place for it was the tip. He is now going to get broadband connected and will use his wife's "Vista" laptop as his main computer. I don't think the laptop has ever been on the internet so I would imagine as soon as he connects to his new internet connection, the laptop will spend the first hour or so updating!

Russ is a keen blog reader too.

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