Thursday, April 07, 2011

A Cool Week

We have had a couple of showers most days with a cool S/E breeze. Temps struggle to get to the mid 20's making for an extremely comfortable week weather wise. I have been riding for most mornings this week. This morning I pulled up a couple of kilometres short as a very dark cloud blew in from off the ocean and dropped a heavy shower of rain.

We went out to a local Pelican Waters Tavern for a 'seniors' lunch on Tuesday. It wasn't too bad actually. I had fish and Trish had a steak. We both had a drink and got out of it for just over $20. We visited the Chiro Tuesday morning before the lunch and then I grabbed some cheap socks from "Rivers" getting ready for the winter months!

Trish has been busy further fine tuning her website for the Caloundra Arts Association while I have been updating the local Community Association one. We had a BeCA meeting on Monday night so it took a couple of hours to get stuff sorted out from that and put it all online. I enjoyed every moment of it.

Trish has Trivia tonight while I have three AFL footy panel shows to watch while she is out.

Last night we watched a movie called "Spud". It is a South African movie and tells the story of a young lad in his first year of boarding school. It is a comedy and also stars John Cleese. We enjoyed it as much as we have enjoyed any movie all this year. It is one of the best movies we have ever seen.

So keep your eye out for it. It was a pleasant surprise to get a great movie as there is so much horror rubbish around right now for download.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You didn't tell us how many ml's in the heavy drop of rain???