Thursday, March 11, 2010

On The Air Again

We had an electricity supply sub-station replaced near us today. This meant we were without power. It went off just after 9 am and was due back on about 3 pm. Power returned just after 1 pm. The next 15 minutes was spent resetting clocks on the microwave oven and the phones, and the oven and the bedside clocks. I am sure I will find a couple more things which require resetting over the next day or so.

Another 29mls of rain overnight followed up by 8 more today.

The sun is out right now as I type and there is a stiff breeze blowing. It is much cooler too, about 28 or so in the backyard right now.

Without any power earlier today I did a little shopping, refilled a couple of printer cartridges, got some more home brew mix and other such necessities.

I have just about had enough of my Internet Service Provider (ISP) so I have spent a fair bit of time re organizing email addresses for 'important' account contacts. I am swapping them to Yahoo addresses, then if I change ISP again I don't need to go back and redo all my account email addresses. I should have set it up like this in the first place I guess. I reckon I can get another 15 GB download and pay $10 less per month if I swap to "Internode". It is certainly dearer on the internet here than what Lou Ann pays in Texas. From memory she pays US$20 per month for unlimited 1500 speed connection. I am sure she will let me know her costs!

I have to give my current ISP (Netspace) 30 days notice that I am leaving so any change is still some time away!

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