Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Dry At Last

The last couple have days have been free of any rain. Temps are beginning to cool off a little (most of the day around high 20's) and sunrise is now 5:45 local time, an hour later than in mid summer. The pool is around 26 degrees.

Life has been quiet though with Trish getting ready to fly to Melbourne for a fortnight tomorrow.

After the prolonged hot dry weather over summer the front lawn virtually disappeared. The ground was rock hard and the dead grass just crumbled beneath your feet. There were heaps of patches where there was just no grass at all. The recent rain has turned the lawn green again and many of the bare patches are starting to be grown over again. I 'fed' the lawn yesterday so I expect it will be growing like crazy in a week or so.

Our front lawn is a little steep so I need to feed it at the best time. If you get heavy rain just after feeding, all the nutrients get washed down the steep slope and into the gutter. The ground is soft now so hopefully the food will seep into the soil!

Squally showers are due to return tomorrow afternoon! But there is cricket from New Zealand on again today.

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