Friday, March 05, 2010

More Rain

The total rainfall for this week now sits at 265mls or about 10.5 inches. You can check out the figures HERE. The rain has fallen over a long period of time so we haven't had any flash flooding or anything around where we live. The scary bit is the rain is predicted to increase tomorrow and Sunday, with more heavy rain expected. The good side is that Brisbane's water supply, which was down to about 18% a year or so ago, is now sitting at about 84%.

Today is a bit overcast but it is 28 degrees outside in our wind protected backyard right now. It is a little breezy with wind from the north east blowing right down the passage way of our house keeping things cool.

I had a couple of visitors who sat on the fence less than 2 metres away from me last night when I was getting the BBQ ready to cook lamb chops for tea. I stepped away and one swooped down to have a go at the meat. He flew away but his mate waited and watched. He eventually got a small piece after it had been cooked!

Lou, these birds are called magpies and are found all across Australia. You probably have them where you are too.

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