Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cooling Off

Today is the last day of March and it is cooling off. Most mornings lately have been showery with sunny days following. The wet mornings mean I am unable to ride.

Trish got to the Chiropractor yesterday and reported that she still doesn't know about her sore knee. She is now putting cold packs on it to get some swelling down.

I have been planted in front of the TV watching the cricket live from New Zealand. It begins about 8 am our time and finishes mid afternoon.

I reformatted the 'old' laptop and cut it right back so it just has the minimum requirements with cut down versions of Office etc. It still takes a while to start up as it only has 500MB of Ram which is the bare minimum to run XP.

I got a good deal on pen drive from the local Australia Post Shop. It is 4GB but has a retractable connection on it. I have lost several pen drive tops recently and this causes the things to 'die' pretty quickly. So to get a 4GB pen drive with a retractable connection for under $13 is a good buy.

1 comment:

Texas Lou said...

Well - our parts of the world are exactly turned topsy-turvy. We are heating up to the point that I had to turn the air conditioner on this afternoon. We were 89F (32C) today and tomorrow is predicted to go to 92F (34C) plus we have a very strong wind blowing and low humidity, which puts us in high fire danger. On TV they warn to do NO outside burning. There was a big fire east of here yesterday, but they think a truck sparked it. All of our fruit trees are in full bloom and with such warm temps, I don't think there is a danger of freezing now.