Sunday, March 07, 2010

Melbourne Gets A Queensland Storm

We had a call from Kate late yesterday saying Melbourne had been hit by a huge storm. Some areas received an inch of rain in 30 minutes as well as hailstones the size of golf balls. Kate and family were visiting friends in the hills to the east of Melbourne when the storm and golf ball sized hail hit. Every panel of their car has been damaged from the hail, some dents so deep the paint has chipped! They are off to the Insurance Company tomorrow.

Meanwhile we only got 7mls of rain here yesterday totalling 274mls (a whisker under 11") since last Sunday. Washing had been piling up and with Trish heading to Melbourne on Wednesday it needed 'doing'. We have a cheap 'in an emergency' clothes dryer and it had a bit of a workout! The patio looked like this yesterday.

The airers are outside again today (Sunday) but all is pretty well dry now. It looks like most stuff is clean and dry now.

At last this morning I was able to get out for a bike ride. I did about 12k's, my first ride in about a week. A new shopping complex is being built on the estate and work has recently started. The first job is to dig out the underground carpark area. Not sure if it is a proposed carpark or a pool after I took this shot this morning!

Even though it is a bit overcast, the temp is still just under 30 degrees right now. The humidity is up, as you would expect after 11 inches of rain, and is around the low 70's. The pool temp has dropped to about 26 degrees which is still quite warm after the weather we have had.

Trish and I watched the movie Crazy Hearts last night. Jeff Bridges has received a Best Actor Nomination for the Oscars for his role in the film. Not too bad a movie at all, we both enjoyed it.

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