Friday, March 12, 2010

It's Blowing A Gale Outside

Our weather current forecast is for strong winds and showers with today getting to 26 degrees. It is blowing a gale outside right now though the picture to the left doesn't show it as well as I hoped. And "occasional showers" meant I tipped another 44mls out of the rain gauge this morning which is well over 1.5 inches of rain.

Right now the sun is shining and the thermometre in the backyard says it is 28 degrees out there! Trish is in Melbourne right now while I am still at home on the Sunshine Coast.

The main computer still causes some heart tremors, most times it operates perfectly while other times it freezes on startup. This usually means press and hold the main power button for a power down stop. This can also lead to the monitor not loading upon restart. It means disconnecting everything then putting it all back together and restarting. Then everything usually works perfectly. I think I am in for a re format of the hard drive again. This may occur next week though right now it is running beautifully.

I am off to do a little movie swapping this morning with a mate from the Computer Club.

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