Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Bread, Butter & Vegemite Sandwiches!

Bread, butter and Vegemite sandwiches remains my staple diet right now.  My tummy is still a bit 'tender' but I am able to get around OK.  I managed to 'chair' my meeting last night with around 35 or so in attendance.  Then this morning I was up and about putting the latest info onto the Community Association's website so I can't be too bad.

A planned visit to the beach and fish n chips for lunch with friends didn't occur.  Neither did the couple of frosty cold lagers I had planned as well!  But I can still get around though bike riding hasn't been on my agenda.

From what my emails tell me the new phone I bought is on its way from China and is due here any time from Thursday through to Tuesday of next week.  According to the tracking number I have the article doesn't exist.  But that sort of thing is par for the course for when you deal with them.

The new webcam is 'in transit'.  That means it is somewhere between Sydney and the Sunshine Coast.  It was posted late Monday so I reckon it will arrive either tomorrow or the day after.

It is supposed to be a warm day today.  However the cloud is keeping the sun away and it is quite breezy outside.  A cooler wind is due tomorrow but if we get the sun back as planned it may even feel warmer.

That's it for today, same old same old!

1 comment:

Luan said...

I used to have a friend in Tasmania. We talked on Skype or instant messaging every day. But she died in spring 2009. From Texas I am the one who realized that she wasn't on the other end, so I called her daughter and told her. They found her passed. Well- what I am trying to tell you is that she sent me Vegemite once and neither of us here could stomach it. "Nasty" was our word for it. And it is just not on the grocery store shelves in America. I saw where you can order it on the internet in case you are over here from Aussieland and have a real craving. Bread, butter and sugar sandwiches work better for us.