Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Sunny But Cooler Than We Would Like!

It has been quite breezy outside the last couple of days with the wind coming in off the ocean.  This means the air is humid and full of moisture which in turn means possible showers.

And this has been the case with lots of showers Sunday, a few showers Monday and the odd shower or two today.  In between it is sunny and today we are looking at around 24 or so.

I did manage a quick swim last week but since then the weather just hasn't been warm enough.

I have the new PC all tamed now.  It is back to where it was a week or so ago with all my programs up and running.  There will be a few programs still to install but these will only be installed as and when required!

As we live in a new area there are additions to our facilities every now and again.  With a move to smaller house block sizes there are smaller or even non-existent backyards.  This means more parks and recreational areas are required.  This new park area is to be officially opened on the weekend.

This (above left) is a new playground area! Click on the photo for a larger view.

I continue to do my 12.5 km bike rides most mornings.  We are in the midst of magpie swooping season but they really haven't been a major problem this year.

Movie and TV Show downloading is again in full swing with things back to normal on the computer front.  My biggest problem now is to live long enough to watch all the stuff I have downloaded!

Having to dig up all my backed up information was a bit of a task when re formatting my PC.  So for this install I have grouped all the important files and portable programs I wish to back up in one folder.  Therefore all I need to now do is go to a backed up folder of that info and everything is there ready to go!

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