Monday, September 01, 2014

Glorious Days But Tummy Bug Not Good

I was struck down with a nasty tummy bug yesterday (Sunday).  I had a headache, cold in my joints and just overall achy. I used the toilet on a most frequent basis!

It wasn't at all pleasant. Right now it is Monday morning and I still haven't eaten anything for around 36 hours!  All I have had was fluids!

Though not surfing along on the crest of a wave this morning, I am certainly feeling a lot better. I have a meeting to chair tonight in the new Bellvista Meeting Place.  I don't think I will be staying late!

Both our footy teams had good wins over the weekend and the two teams are set to meet in the first finals game coming up on Friday night.  The footy finals are here.

And spring is off to a warm start.  We have mid 20's today and possible even 27 tomorrow.  Then it drops back to 24 or so for the rest of the week.  Overnight temps will be double figures!

Arj has sent a couple more links, his updated blog is HERE and the new photos are HERE.  Their shipping stuff from Australia has arrived so now they have lots of things from home to keep them going!  And they have bought a car.  I am not surprised at this as even a short trip in that heat isn't much fun!

The official 'opening' for the new Bellvista Meeting Place went very well on Friday night.  I knew a lot of the people there as we had dealt with them at both Council and via Stockland.  Everything was catered for with seafood, finger food and no shortage of drinks.  I think those who got along to the night had a great time.

I chatted with the Mayor and other dignitaries.  It was a great night enjoyed by all!

We spoke with Kate Arj and family via Skype on Friday afternoon.  Kate complained about the sound quality of the microphone on my webcam.  It is 8 years old I have discovered.

I saw something I might like at around $45 from "The Good Guys".  I bought the same one on eBay for less than $35 and it should be delivered later this week.

Hopefully the inbuilt microphone will work better on this webcam.  Another mate also commented on the poor Skype audio as well so it looks like there was a problem.

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