Thursday, September 11, 2014

High 20's

What a glorious day!  Not a cloud in a a bright blue sky and today was just glorious.  It was a top temperature in the high 20's, just sensational!

I was notified on Wednesday night that remaining Panel A Jury Members would not be required on either Thursday or Friday!  That will mean week 1 is over and I have only one more week to be on call for Jury Duty!

The bike ride this morning was great fun  One magpie watches me closely as I ride by and rides 'shotgun' with me just to ensure I don't stop and consider interfering with its nest and obvious eggs!  It is something I can do without but I also know this will probably go on for another 6 weeks or so!

The 'old' car we brought back with us from Melbourne as our 'second' car has had a dicky front door lock.  We have kept it going with heaps of 'graphite' which has allowed us to still enter via the driver's door.  Yesterday it 'gave up the ghost' and refused to allow any key to enter it!

$50 for a new lock barrel and another $30 or so to fit it will have everything operational again.  We had been told the cost to repair it all would be around $200 from a repairer in Melbourne.  So the $80 or so we were told about yesterday was pleasantly surprising.  An incorrect lock supply today means we will have to wait till tomorrow to get the car back!

We caught up with friends Kerrie and Ian today and enjoyed a delightful Thai lunch in Mooloolaba.  It worked out at $10 a head so not only was the food great, it was inexpensive as well.  We will do that again! There was no corkage charge either.  I believe you have to 'book' to eat there at night. 

This isn't surprising!

The pool cracked the magical 20º mark later today.  It will cool off some overnight but it is warming up nicely.  I am sure any early season swim will be brief at this time of the year.  I also extended the pool filtering times today.  This ensures there will be plenty of chlorine manufactured to keep the water clear as it warms up!

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