Saturday, May 14, 2011

How You Can Tell It Is Cold Here!

This is quite easy to do; you just look in my garage and see if the Home Brewing heat pad is setup! Today I took down the heat pad and set it up ready for a brew I mixed this morning. Today we have lovely clear blue skies and a warmish days (low 20’s) but the temp is getting well into single figures overnight.

Blogger hasn’t been working Friday. The site is closed for some sort of repairs. I will pre-type this up in Word and then copy/paste it into Blogger when it comes back online again. I have never noticed this before with Blogger!

I swapped the ADSL filter/splitter over yesterday afternoon to see if that will fix my VoIP problem. When I had a good look at the older filter/splitter I saw it was one I had received with my original DLink modem/router.

Nowhere did it say it was ADSL2 or ADSL2+ on it indicating it was probably a very early and basic model. Perhaps it was so old it was just a plain ADSL filter/splitter and not really up to handling VoIP calls.

We will just have to wait and see.

It took until Saturday morning and I could put this post online. It is around 8 or 9 degrees right now as I finish this post off.

Last night was spent watching my footy team do very well and now be the only undefeated team in the competition. Friday afternoon was spent getting Skype to work, sorting out emails etc on Paul's new computer. All now seems to be done.

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