Tuesday, May 24, 2011

More Tablets

I awoke Monday and felt a trip to the doctor was what was required. Our doctor just happens to be with Trish's table at Stitchers and is a regular attender to Thursday Night Trivia.

The verdict is that I am now on extremely strong antibiotics to get rid of the infection in my right middle ear. There is some concern that there may be a perforation of the eardrum which is where the ear discharge is coming from. This should heal up OK though.

My heart rate was down so I had an E.C.G. My blood pressure is up (due to being ill) and I am to have a blood pressure test again next week just to be on the safe side.

I had just had my third (I have 17 more to go) antibiotic tablet (Tuesday morning) and I am feeling a little better. The right ear is still blocked and I have an appointment this afternoon with my regular Ear Nose and Throat specialist. He will clean the ear out and check the ear drum.

I still am a little dizzy when standing up or as soon as I lie down. Movement from travelling in the car is not good for my stomach as I discovered yesterday after being driven home. I was very sick indeed.

I still live on soup and sandwiches. My cold and flu symptoms are still there but much less severe now.

We are still up in the air as to whether or not we will invite our friends from Newcastle to stay Wednesday night. We may need to wait until tomorrow morning before deciding what to do on that score.

Cloudy weather yesterday lead to 10mls of rain overnight. Today is again a cloudless clear blue sky day and an expected top of 23 degrees. However a dry cold s/w wind will blow in tomorrow making any temperature feel a few degrees cooler.

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