Thursday, May 06, 2010

I Am Computered Out!

The weather has been fine but cool. I have been running red hot helping people out with their new computers. Daphne, the elderly lady from the Computer Club brought her laptop around early yesterday for me to load up with software. What should have been straight forward was anything but!

It was suggested you make "Recovery Discs" after the initial setup. We sat there for 90 mins watching the thing appear to be busy working when it fact it was doing nothing. I promptly removed the 60 Day version of Office 2007 and the 'trial' version of McAfee. Then I tried to create the backup disks. What I later discovered was it only makes Recovery Disks with ALL the original software on it.

I was left waiting for help on the phone line for 20 minutes until I was told to restart the the laptop and tap Alt and F10 keys at the same time continuously until the "Back To Default" option came back. After almost an hour the laptop rebooted in the same configuration it had been in when it first arrived at the the shop.

I quickly burned the Recovery Disks (took 3 x DVD's) and set it all up with all the software she needed. I got the laptop back to her this morning.

I was up early today watching Australia Vs Bangladesh in the T/20 match in the West Indies then I was in to the garage to bottle my brew. Tomorrow I will be putting another lot on. I seem to have got a little behind in my brewing chores. The photo shows me pouring a measure of 1 teaspoon of sugar into each bottle which is required for the final 'fermentation'.

Then it was around to another mate's place to load up his new Windows PC with software too. Again we had quite a few hiccups but got the essential stuff done.

It looks like I will need to pop over and see him again though to finish it all off.

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