Thursday, January 01, 2015

Warm Again

Have a quick read of the comment in the post below.  It certainly puts everything into perspective regarding our recent spate of hot weather.

But after another hot night we entered a day which was forecast to be hot though not quite as hot as yesterday.  We had an overnight low around 26º which is most unusual for us here on the Sunshine Coast.  Usually we would expect the low 20's.

We had decided not to go out anywhere on New Year's Eve.  With that pressure off we decided to have a few quiet drinks mid afternoon.  In hindsight this was a mistake.  But come 10pm and just leaving the pool after another cool off, my bed beckoned!  The few quiet drinks had been extended into a kind of 'session'.

Anyway, come 10pm, this little black duck was looking for a spot (under a ceiling fan) to bed down for the night.

Today started warm again,but at long last the sea-breeze managed to make its way in around mid afternoon, enough to cool things down even just a little.  The photo shows just how warm (and humid) it was at 7:30 on my bike ride.

It is now around the same temperature (late afternoon) but the sea breeze is in and is just delightful.  The house is wide open and welcoming the cooling breeze.

Regular readers will know I keep our older neighbour up to date with all the latest stuff to watch.  Currently they are in USA visiting relatives so I haven't had to rush across and do an update of video files for almost three weeks now.  I have reformatted his PC as well just before they set off and usually after a few days there is a huge Windows Update to do.

It took around 3 hours for me to update his movie stuff and for his computer to download and install 766MB of updates this morning.  I must confess his PC is around 4 years old and does not have USB3 which allows quick copying across drives and computers.

It turned out to be quicker for me to leave the PC doing its Windows update and bring his new USB3 portable hard drive to my home and for me to copy the stuff across on my USB3 computer.  But it is all done now!

Trish and I have been using the pool quite a lot as you can imagine.  The pool water temperature peaked at 31.7º today.  It hasn't been over 30º for a couple of years from memory so we really are in a hot spell of weather.

But with the sea-breeze now in, the prospects for a good and sound night's sleep tonight are looking brighter!

There has been no movement on the phone currently awaiting customs in Brisbane.  Today is New Year's Day and a public holiday!

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