Monday, January 05, 2015

Quietish Weekend

Today we look like having a respite again from the very hot weather.  Showers are forecast across the day.

It was a ho-hum but busy weekend.  The new freezer was delivered around 9 am on Saturday morning.  Our home isn't that big and some 'creative' and 'brutal' storage was required.

"Brutal" means some hard decisions needed to be made.  If it isn't used, most likely it will need to be tossed out. So some rearranging and compromise was required to put the freezer into our small single car garage.  Now my home brewing setup isn't quite as accessible as it used to be but it will be OK.  I am putting another brew on today so the proof of the pudding ...

Now we had the freezer we needed to put something in it!  On Sunday we took a trip down to Costco and items in the freezers we had previously walked by because we didn't have the freezer space at home, now took our full attention.  Meat we had previously declined to purchase because it came in large lots was now targetted.

It isn't an overly large freezer so we didn't need to go overboard with our purchases.  But it is now stocked with meats, fish and frozen goodies in preparation for Chris and his family who fly up early next week from Melbourne to spend a week with us.

My new phone is now in full operation.  It took much of a day for me to set it up as I wanted.  Regretfully my 'special' phone Gmail address for email copies didn't want to work properly.  It seemed to take ages for a copy of an email to come through while the original had already come through on my PC.  I have the vast majority of my email accounts (around 7 of them in total) send a copy of each new email onto a 'special' email account set up for the phone.

I managed to stuff up the email address for forwarding on half of the accounts.  After resetting them to a new "Yahoo" account rather than the former special phone GMail account, all is now working perfectly.  I even discovered I have another Yahoo email address I didn't even recall creating!

Today is Monday and I was planning to put a brew on after my bike ride.  Before I ride I usually take a few minutes to tidy up the backyard, perhaps vacuum the pool, put towels away from off the line and ensure all my washed bottles from the previous day are out for drying.

Some heavy showers are predicted for today and one arrived just as I was about to mount the bike.  The photo left shows the backyard after the short heavy shower of rain this morning. This meant the roads and pathways would be wet and not fully suitable for a ride.

I took the photo with my new $115 phone!  I was able to 'share' it. I selected the recently installed ES File Explorer app for the sharing and copied it directly to my PC desktop via our home wireless network. For such a cheap price it is a very clever piece of technology!

Even if it only lasts 12 months who cares.  I just go to a China seller and spend another $120 and get the latest updated model again.

With the bike ride cancelled, I went and decided to put a new post onto my blog!

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