Wednesday, December 31, 2014

It's In Brisbane

I ordered my new (but very inexpensive) mobile phone 'online' from China on Tuesday of last week.  According to the "Tracking Facility" the parcel has arrived in Brisbane this morning.  It takes a few days to get from the warehouse in mainland China to the Airport at Hong Kong.

You can follow its trip to date on the screenshot above left. You will need to click on the photo and then click on the "X" to return to this page.  Previous experience has been that it will take 24 hours to clear customs here in Australia, then an overnight trip from Brisbane to the Sunshine Coast for delivery to my home the day after.  With New Year's Day holiday it seems I should receive the parcel early next week.

That should mean a two week delivery time but does include Christmas and New Year holidays.  Though I am not sure Christmas is all that big and warrants a holiday in mainland China!

The very hot weather continues.  Much of today is being spent poolside with short treks inside to catch up with obtaining movies and TV Shows.  Speaking of which, last night we watched the movie "The Judge" and found it to be excellent.  So keep your eyes open for it, it is worth watching!

The pool water temp hit the magical 30º this morning and will be even warmer later today.  The weather will slowly cool off just a little bit each day until the weekend.  I see where Melbourne has 36º one day later this week and 38º the following day.  A hot and sultry 32º here today seems pretty good compared to what is expected later this week in Melbourne, especially with our pool in the backyard!

Last night we slept under the fan while it was whirling away on the "High" setting.  This followed a late night swim.

So far today I have ridden 12.7k's, uploaded heaps of photos for the Community Association website update and washed and dried 30 bottles for my bottling in the next day or so. I have also had 2 swims so far.  A few more will follow later on.

We are not doing anything for New Year's Eve.  At one stage we were going to go to an Irish Pub in Mooloolaba for the night with friends.  There was a probable 2am finish to that one.  We decided it wasn't really our thing so declined the invitation.  With a hot night on the way, a few cool drinks beside the pool here at home this evening sounds extremely inviting!

1 comment:

Lou Ann Pyburn said...

As I write this it is 20F (-7C) outside with icicles hanging from the eaves of the house. Many wrecks on the highways and everyone is advised to stay home if possible. No snow here, just freezing mist. It is forecast for it to stay this way until Friday. So we are housebound and eating too much. Our part of the world is coated in ice. I am trying to put it in my memory very vividly so I can recall it next summer when the intense heat is tormenting me.

Lou Ann in Texas