Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Off and On, Off and On!

Off and on, off and on describes our internet connection over the last 36 hours.  Around a month ago we lost our internet connection.  This meant ringing our supplier, lodging a request and they get onto the wholesaler (in this case the national carrier Telstra) to fix the problem.  In all cases it takes just a matter of a few hours for things to be reconnected.

We lost our connection again on Monday evening around 6pm.  Not much could be done at that time of night so I had to again call "Support" the following morning.  The call was answered quickly and we go through all the hoops and jumps again to try to determine where the fault is. This usually means removing all attachments from phone points around the house, turning equipment off and then back on again or trying a different phone point or phone lead connector.

Our phone point here for the main PC is situated is under the table.  So it is on my back, crawl under the table with torch in hand and remove or add telephone connector plugs as requested. Later I will have to get back under again to put the connections and leads back how they were when we started!

In our case I have a second modem/router so I am usually asked to set that up on the phone point in the kitchen and do all sorts of things.  Despite all this I know the problem isn't here in my home.  It is like playing a game.

In every case recently, the fault is with the wholesaler and nothing to do with my home setup!  So Tuesday morning a fault was lodged around 7 am by my supplier with the wholesaler.  By 9am the internet was up and flying again!

Then today (Weds) at 11:20 am the internet goes off again.  Back onto my supplier to be told there is a 30 minute wait before my call can be taken.  Eventually I get onto someone and again we go through all the hoops and jumps but as per always, a fault will need to be lodged with the wholesaler.

Under the table again I go again to pull out plugs and reconnect them again.  Again I get out and set up the secondary modem/router, recheck my internet settings all to discover the problem probably isn't at my home!  Then when they eventually decide it is a wholesaler problem, back under the table I go yet again to put everything back how it was before!

Luckily I am not old!

This time they decide to lodge an 'elevated' fault request with the wholesaler who obviously isn't fixing the problem properly in all cases!

By 2:30pm the internet connection is restored..... but for how long?

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