Saturday, January 10, 2015

More On The Internet Connection

I received a call from a Telstra Technician yesterday afternoon in relation to our repetitive internet dropouts.  Telstra are the wholesaler for our ISP.

He confirmed the problem was an authentication problem.  That means the internet connected OK, it just had trouble logging in to our internet supplier Internode.

He scratched his head and looked a little perplexed.  These are the most difficult problems to solve and could be caused by a myriad of circumstances.  Our internet connection to just outside the house is full speed for our area.  However internet speed is not the problem, the problem is the occasional dropout.

He has a quick check of the house and how we were setup.  He just made suggestions on what we could do to eliminate possible dropouts.  He suggested we move the modem/router.  It used to sit on top of the fridge but he has had cases where an older fridge would cause modem/router problems as it clicked on to start or stop.

He suggested we update our internet filters as well.  He said if we could do without the wall phone we could remove it as well its the attached filter.

As a final step he arranged for us to be moved to a new port at our local "RIM".  We now have a new internet filter, the modem/router no longer sits on the fridge but has been moved.  The port has been swapped.

Now it is a case of wait and see.

The showers have gone away and we are enjoying warmer and drier weather.  I managed a bike ride yesterday before settling down in front of the TV to watch the cricket.  As the cricket is on Free To Air TV I can watch it in the 'office' as well.  There is heaps of tennis to watch as well.  The Asian Football Cup soccer competition is on too so I have international soccer to enjoy.

The TV remote is going berserk.

Computer Club begins for 2015 today but I won't get there.  We have a friends coming over at around 11 am and then we have a lunch commitment.  The cricket is at a vital and interesting stage as well.  And I do have a bottle washing to complete.

Yesterday the pool had its mid season check up at the pool shop.  The water sample I took indicated the pool needed a bag of salt and 1kg of Stabilizer.  This is par for the course at this time of of the season.  The pool is now in readiness for Chris, Wendy and family arrive on Tuesday for a week with us. Final sorting out of things is underway in preparation for their visit.

Now to my bottle washing ....

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