Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Trying To Rain!

For all of this week we have had a forecast for possible storms.  These storms are occurring inland and then making their way to the coast, but they never make it this far.  We are being told that we have a better chance of getting some rain later today but we should be well and truly in for some wet weather tomorrow.

Up until this stage we have only enjoyed 1ml overnight Sunday because the storms just can't reach the coast before petering out!

Today is steamy again with some ominous looking clouds.  In our little backyard it is in the low 30's but extremely pleasant under the new shelter.  As the shelter is so high we are able to enjoy plenty of circulating breezes underneath.

The pool was a gorgeous 25 degrees this morning when I had my swim after a my morning 12.5k bike ride.

So what have we been up to?

Very little really.  Trish has been a little busy around the home after a weekend involved with the Arts Centre Fair.  She got the sewing machine out yesterday and made this cover for the Waeco out of a soft vinyl.

It will give some protection to the portable refrigerator if and when there is a storm and we can't get the Waeco inside.

The new modem/router has a facility where you can add a hard disk drive to it which can be accessed for other computers on our wireless network.

As the modem/router stays on 24/7 it means this drive can be accessed at any time from any computer on the network.  It is a 350GB drive I resurrected from my cupboard full of old bits and pieces.

I have set the hard disk drive up so when I back up my computer's major files (documents, photos, settings, profiles etc) they can be backed up onto this drive.  I have done the same thing with Trish's laptop backups, everything from either computer's major files can now be backed up onto this drive.

It isn't the quickest backup but it does get the job done and everything is backed up to the one place.  As you can see from the sticker it is nominated as T Drive.  I have other backup drives where I keep all my movies and TV Shows.  I have other drives which store all my 'programs' I have downloaded 'just in case'.

All in all I have 5 drives with back ups on them.  I actually have 2 backups of everything.  Some backups are on portable drives so the can be taken away easily.  This is especially handy when we visit friends and want to swap movies or for when we travel to Melbourne.

On top of this we another two portable hard drives attached to either media player as well!

I was sorely tempted to buy another 1.5TB portable drive recently advertised on special at Dick Smith's for $102.  I managed to resist!

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