Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Busy Times

We have both been quite busy the last few days.  I enjoyed the cricket right up to the final ball on Sunday night.  It seems so long since last Australia won a test match.

On Monday I bottled my beer.  The lid had failed to seal properly but that shouldn't make any difference to the brew itself.  You add a decanting apparatus to the tap and usually remove the air lock so air can take the place as the newly brewed beer pours out into the bottle.  I decided to leave the air lock in place while I filled the first bottle.  Usually you would expect to see a mass of bubbles in the air lock as air is forced in to take the place of the poured out beer.

The water in the air lock did not budge.  The leak was so bad air rushed in where the lid had failed to seal.  When you looked closely at the lid it could be seen as on a bit of a tilt.  It appears the neck of the barrel would warp as you tightened the screw on lid and therefore not seal.

Trish is bringing home a new barrel this afternoon and the old one has found its way to the recycling bin!  The tap, pourer and airlock are all new so will go with the new barrel.  The home brew guy is throwing in a 'strip thermometre' for me.

Much of Tuesday was spent setting up media players for friends.  I have loaned one to a friend to see if it was what he wanted.  Another guy bought one so I set it up for him yesterday as well.  I added a new theme to it and made sure it updated OK.  Both are very happy with the outcome.

My new watch from China arrived today.  It cost me a full $16 but is perfect for around the outdoors and in the garden.  It is pretty huge in size so I won't lose it.  Like several things from overseas, the instruction book left a bit to be desired.  But 15 minutes or so of tinkering had it up and running!

You do wonder how long it will last though!  But then the watch I wear when I am bike riding was purchased in Bali 20 years ago and hasn't skipped a beat!  So you just never know.

We have been enjoying a TV Series called "The Big C", the title meaning cancer.  The lead character is in her early 40's and has been diagnosed with cancer.  You don't need to be a Rhodes Scholar to work out how the series ends. We both loved the series very much but last night was sat down to watch the final 2 one hour episodes.  It was sad but extremely enjoyable.

Tonight we may start on the latest series of "Boardwalk Empire".  We shall see what Nucky Thompson is up to in this series.  I seem to recall he was getting mixed up with Al Capone at the end of Series 3!

Trish is at Stitchers today and is due home (with the new barrel) shortly.  I will most likely put a brew on either Thursday or Friday!  I think it will be Thursday as then it can be bottled next Wednesday before the 2nd Test gets underway on Thursday!

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