Saturday, November 23, 2013

To Computer Club

It will be a shortened trip to Computer Club this morning.  The cricket on TV is just too much of an attraction to spend time away.

The weather continues OK but today is quite overcast.  High 20's is expected and the possibility of showers which is another reason to get home and enjoy the TV and the cricket in case the weather intervenes.

I rode yesterday as per usual and found the pool really great when I arrived back home.

We were one member down for drinks Friday afternoon (which we hosted at our place) with Ian's wife Kerrie grabbing a cheap ticket to Sydney for a friend's birthday party.  Retired school principal John and his wife Marg are regular drinks attenders as well.

John has just completed a week's work at a school nearby.  He is well known in this area and people know the sort of work he prefers.  His week was spent 'covering' classes while teachers caught up with paper work. Not bad at $300+ per day!

John and his wife Marg arrived closer to 4pm than 3 but made up for his late arrival with a late departure, probably around 9pm.  It was extremely pleasant sitting beneath the shelter after the sun went down in our backyard while the temp remained around the mid 20's.

The new solar light under the shelter got a good try out and proved to be 100% effective.

The home made Sambucca and Bourbon were a major hit later in the evening!

Meanwhile Ian wasn't operating all that well so he had departed early.

I will most likely enjoy a couple of ales later in the day but I seem to suspect it won't be too many.  Last night was a lot of fun though!

A mate Russ has suggested I try a little silicone around the lid of the home brew container and the air lock grommet to ensure a better seal.  I will give that a go for my next brew and see if it solves my problem.  The current brew should be ready to bottle on Monday.

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