Sunday, November 03, 2013

It's A Very Warm Sunday

We didn't even get into town for a meal on Thursday.  Instead we opted for a few home brews and a couple of serves of noodles from the Noodle Shop in Golden Beach.  It was an excellent choice!

There weren't drinks on Friday as friends Ian and Kerrie had people up from Sydney for the week.  It was to be their last night so they planned to head out for a final meal together.  It didn't make much difference to us, we sat out back and enjoyed a few drinks on our own!

Trish had a busy day with Quilters in the morning on Friday and then a big 'grocery shop' that afternoon.  I meddled around at home just doing stuff.

Computer Club was on again for me Saturday.  The photo shows a couple of the ladies I help.  Both ladies in the photo go to Trish's Stitchers Group on a Wednesday.  Ruby recently turned 90 and enjoys her PC, her laptop and her 7" tablet. 

I helped her with taking photos and then processing them on her tablet.  Ruby would be easily the youngest 90 year old I know, she is as bright as a button and has a keen sense of humour.  I also set up a home wireless network for her earlier this year.

Another lady had her Windows 8 laptop not do an update for 8 months.  She would get an error and no Windows updates would be downloaded and installed.  I got onto Google and tried a couple of things all unsuccessfully.  I deleted bits and turned off services and then turned them back on again all without luck.

We tried a "Safe Mode" startup unsuccessfully but when the computer started up as normal, a screen popped up saying there were 72 updates available to her.  I don't know what we did but it eventually downloaded and updated well over 1GB of updates.  She was pleased it all worked. Neither of us know how we fixed it!

I mowed the lawn on Saturday afternoon.  I didn't take much grass off but I managed to relocate a couple of bucket loads of dust from the front to all over the place!  It did tidy up all the leaves around the front lawn and it certainly looks a lot neater now than before.  With the dry weather, the gum trees are stressed and dropping lots of leaves.  The swim in the pool afterwards was great!  It got rid of the dust from all over me and cooled me off.

With a very warm day promised today (31º) the pool will be a popular spot later.

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