Monday, November 18, 2013

And Then There Was Rain!

At long last we have experienced a good long fall of steady rain.  It began slowly around 5pm last night and continued on and off overnight.  This morning there were 35mls in the gauge following on from 6mls the night before.  We expect things to rapidly green up, especially our bare front lawn. 

We only got the edge of the severe storms Maroochydore had late Saturday afternoon.  They had hail the size of oranges smashing car windows and causing both damage to property and injury to people.  Reports of a major traffic jam around the major Maroochydore shopping centre appeared as motorists sought refuge in the underground carpark!

As the photo shows the pool is now at its upper limit.  I even turned the water harvesting off around 6pm last night.  After such a prolonged dry spell the roof and atmosphere were both full of dust and this dust ends up in my pool.  I gave the pool a good vacuum after my bike ride on Sunday morning and followed up with needing to flush out the filter.

The water from the flushing out was red with dust.  You would almost call it 'top dressing the front lawn' there was so much to be cleaned out.

The pool needed yet another vacuum this morning after the lengthy overnight rain.  The dust is a red color indicating it has been 'up there' for quite a while and blown in from areas in the west of Queensland.  I gave the filter a second clean in two days this morning.  With so much rain, many of the pathways I ride along most mornings would be covered with seepage so I didn't bother this morning.

However I still jumped in the pool for a swim with the water temp between 23 and 24. 

The rain and dark clouds have now cleared and we have clear blue skies with a very hot sun beating down.  But with this lovely warm weather and after 35mls of rain you can only guess what the humidity level is like.

I went to put a brew on Saturday afternoon but found the package of hops was missing.  Usually it is fixed under the plastic lid of the home brew can.  I removed the lid and discovered the pack was missing.  Trish is into Caloundra this afternoon so I will head in with her and make my way to the brew shop and see what he says.  This means I will most likely put the brew on tomorrow and probably bottle it either Sunday or next Monday.

I will bottle wash on Wednesday, before the Test match begins live on TV on Thursday!

Last night we finished watching Series 2 of "The Newsroom".  As with the first series, the first two or three episodes are confusing and require some patience to persevere with.  But after that it improves greatly.  We were into the final half hour of the last episode when the credits suddenly appeared on the screen.  Despite scrolling through the credits, the audio still played.  There had been a fault in the video!

Onto the laptop I went, into one of my preferred websites and I saw another copy of the final episode, this time with "Repacked" in the title.  This usually indicates there was a problem with the original file but it has been done again and the fault has been fixed.  I downloaded the repacked file and we eventually watched it and the end of the series.

While it was downloading we watched an episode of a TV series caused "Breathless".  It isn't in the same class as The Newsroom but is set in a London hospital for women during the early 60's.  This was a time of illegal abortions and the introduction of The Pill".  We have another 4 episodes to go and will most likely watch those tonight.

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