Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Spring Is In The Air

The shorts have come out again the last couple of days, even the pool was up to 21 degrees yesterday. There is a feeling of warmth in the air. Yesterday was around 25 degrees and today is a cloudy 24 degrees. Some rain and thunder is expected later today.

I had a computer problem to work on yesterday with a friend from the Computer Club. He couldn't uninstall Office 2007. As it turned out the computer was unable to access a folder called "EQUATION" where some parts of Office 2007 are installed. It said we didn't have 'permission' to access that folder. A quick search via Google showed we weren't the only ones to have that problem. We downloaded a Microsoft "Fixit" file which managed to uninstall 95% of Office 2007.

I couldn't install a new version of 2007 because of the "EQUATION" folder permission problem so we put a copy of Office 2003 on. It works fine!

The Community Association is keeping me busy as well. Once the 'approval' is given by the government (ULDA - Urban Land Development Authority) for the Bellvista II development, things will begin to happen. Already some site tidy up work has been completed so the 'approval' must be just about here. Meanwhile the local MP is up in arms because the ULDA Chairperson failed to keep an appointment with him to discuss some resident concerns.

I am involved on both sides as the president of the Community Association here so my attendance is sought by the Local MP Mark McArdle as well as by Stockland, the developer! I have a media gathering at 4 pm today with the local MP and then a photo shoot tomorrow at 9:45 am with Stockland and the local Councillor.

To top it all off I also have a Community Association Newsletter to complete. I copy/paste much of the content from the bellvista.com.au website. As I write the website stuff too it needs some modifications for its presentation in the newsletter. I have to re work the bits that say "Click on this photo for a larger view." Some rewording is required to put things into context. Luckily that is all completed now and the newsletter is just about ready to be printed. That will be done sometime over the weekend!

Trish had a group of 4 sewing ladies around Monday morning for some making some Christmas decorations using beads. They chatted and enjoyed each others' company and got a few decorations completed.

Trish has Stitchers tomorrow while I have the First Test between Australia and Sri Lanka live on Pay TV tomorrow afternoon. We also have live coverage of the US Open Tennis Championship so the TV is getting a sporting workout right now.

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