Thursday, August 04, 2011

A Great Day

I have been kept extra busy by the Community Association website the last day or so. There is always something to update on the site or to change. We get emails about cats using someones front yard as a toilet, or a neighbour who parks across a driveway type things sent to us. This isn't our role. I have updated the "Contact Us" page on the website to direct people to the online Service Request form at the local council who do this sort of stuff.

Click on the screenshot for a larger view

Trish did some more Census Form deliveries after Stitchers yesterday then I had a Community Meeting at 4 pm to get to. I seemed to sleep pretty well last night.

Today I was again updating the website with a report on last night's meeting. I slipped in a 13 k bike ride as well and gave the pool filter a good clean.

Trish is at the Tourist Info Centre this morning and hopes to do another two hours of Census Form deliveries later on.

Tonight she has "Trivia" and I have an AFL on TV night on my own! I will enjoy a couple of quiet 'frothy tops'. I have another brew to put on tomorrow morning!

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