Saturday, August 13, 2011

It Was A Text Message

My cousin Phillip passed away last evening in Melbourne. I am still to book flights down at this stage but I will wait until there is some confirmed news on when arrangements will be.

Phil passed away at 7:20 pm Friday night. He did not survive an operation to remove a growth from his liver. His brother Garry along with Marie were with him. Garry lives around 160k's north of us and drove down to Melbourne to be with Phil during the operation.

I expect to possibly fly down to Melbourne on Tuesday and maybe stay with my brother Tuesday night. Then hopefully I can get to Kate's and stay there Wednesday and Thursday nights. Finally I would stay with Chris and family on Friday before flying back home on Saturday.

All these arrangements are still to be confirmed.

The loss of Tiger Airways flights into the Sunshine Coast has meant a huge increase in airfares. I guess I will paying twice the price I would have expected to pay. It also means there are no cheapish direct flights from the Sunshine Coast so I will be forced to travel to Sydney and then onto Melbourne. It appears my best bet is to fly to Brisbane on my return on Saturday.

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